poe- good music taste

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We got a bit of language here from our favorite raccoon and others.

Ok, guys as much as I am obsessed with Star Wars, I am equally as obsessed with Marvel. Loki and Spiderman are my favorite characters if you wanted to know:) Have ya'll seen the Superbowl commercial for Disney + for the new Marvel series(btw I didn't know that the plural for series is series :o). OMG it's going to be so good! I hope you guys are as excited as me!

Imagine being Peter Quill's little precious sister from the Guardians of the Galaxy and joining the Resistance as a spy. You and Poe are acquaintances at first but then the two of you connect through the fact that the two of you love music so much. There's a bit of brother/sister bonding in this one:)

"You sure you wanna do this?" your older brother Peter asked you. The two of you were currently at the rebel base. General Leia had invited you personally to join the resistance. 

"Yeah, I told the general I wanted to go, Peter, you know that!" you said, a small smile forming on your lips. He sighed. He almost looked upset that you were going. 

"It isn't gonna be the same without you, little sis," he said then placed his large hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, I'm going to miss you and the rest of the guardians so much!" you exclaimed. "It's going to be a lot tougher in battle for sure without your fierce moves" he admitted. 

You smirked. "Thanks for admitting that I'm better than you," 

"Get that smug ass look off your face Y/N," he slapped your shoulder playfully which made you laugh.


You heard a small but deep "I am Groot".


After they were going to drop you off, the rest of the guardians had to fight off these psycho aliens who were killing other aliens who weren't the same race as them.

"Does he have any respect for anyone?" you scoffed but found it funny.

 "No," Peter shook his head and chuckled.

After a moment, Peter slipped something out of his pocket. "For you," he stated.

You gasped. "Peter, your walkman, it's your most prized possesion!" you were in awe of the tiny device in front of you.

"I know, I just want you to feel safe, I know you relax when your listening to music," he said then placed the device in your palm.

You suddenly had tears in your eyes.

You hugged him then kissed his cheek. "I'll miss you, Peter,"

"I'll miss you too, Y/N" And with that he departed.

You looked at the walkman for a while then put it in your pant pockets.

"Y/N!" a voice called. It belonged to the notorious General Leia. She was even more brilliant in person.

"General Leia," you nodded then shook her hand with a smile. 

She showed you around the rebel base and introduced you to everyone who was so nice to you. They all knew about all of your adventures with the guardians and admired your valiant efforts.

"And lastly this is our pilot superstar, Poe Dameron," she pointed to a man with a tan face and curly black hair. He was talking to another pilot. There was a little orange droid beside him. It was adorable! 

He waved at the general then trotted up to her. "General Leia, do you need anything?" he asked her with a wide, glowing smile.

"No Poe, I was just showing our new spy, Y/N Quill around the base," she said.

"Y/N Quill? Weren't you apart of the guardians of the galaxy?" he asked you putting all his attention on you. You nodded. 

"Yup that's me," you said cursing yourself for saying yup. He didn't care, he just smiled.

"Well I'll see you around, Y/N," he smiled. "Bye, General, I'll see you soon!" He ran off.

It was night and you suddenly overcome with the urge to collapse. You were exhausted after looking around the whole entire base.

"Ok, Y/N, that's all the resistance, you can get some rest now and come back fresh tomorrow!"

You went to your quarters and fell asleep listening to some 80's songs on Peter's prized walkman.


The next morning, you were walking down the hall with your walkman and you were grooving to the song you were listening to.

You were dancing and singing all over. "ABC, EASY AS ONE TWO THREE, ARE SIMPLE AS DO RI ME, A B C, ONE TWO THREE BABY YOU AND ME!"

You bumped into someone which knocked your folders on the floor. You pulled out your earbuds. "Shit" you mumbled. "Sorry I wasn't-"

You looked into the eyes of the handsome pilot, Poe Dameron. He put your folders into your hands. "You're good," he smiled.

 "I would get distracted too if I was listening to that song," he laughed. He was laughing at YOU. GOD you thought. You started blushing in an embarrassed  way. What a loser move listening to the Jackson 5!

He saw your blushing then stopped laughing. "I'd get distracted because it's a groovy song,"

Your blushing went away. "You like the Jackson 5 too?" you asked him.

"Couldn't get enough of them, they're amazing! They were a huge part of my childhood," Poe said.

"Mine too!" you practically squealed.

 "Sorry," you said realizing how excited you got. 

"There's no reason to say sorry for liking the Jackson 5, but what other songs do you listen to, Y/N?" he asked with actual sincere interest.

"My absolute favorite is "Hooked  on a Feeling" by Blue Swede, my brother introduced it to me and it's been one of my favorites ever since I was like thirteen,"

He laughed. "I love that one too! We have the same music taste, no one here has the same good music taste as me except for you!" his happiness matched yours

"Haha, we need to hang out we can listen to a bunch of our favorite songs!"

"That's not the only thing we could do," Poe wiggled his eyebrows a grin on his lips.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves loverboy, I never said it was a date" you giggled. You had yourself a little crush.

"Yeah, but someday I guarantee that it WILL be a date," he persisted. 

"Fat chance hotshot, see you soon," you waved.

"Bye cutie," he smiled then blew a kiss at you.

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