they ask you out

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Luke had been acting nervous all day and you were worried about him so you went to confront him about it. 

He was watching Han and Chewbacca play chess on a neon orange couch. Let me just say that Chewie was beating Han mercilessly (you could feel it in Chewie's aggressive grunts). While Luke was watching he looked sort of worn out and downtrodden. You could see it in his deep ocean blue eyes that you could be lost in for centuries.

"Hey Luke!" you chirped. His eyes widened. "Hey, Y/N," he said with a small smile as you sat next to him. "Um, you forgot about us," Han told you earning a grunt of agreement from Chewie. You rolled your eyes at them.

"I'm not here for you guys, you fools" you laughed. "Well damn you!"Han joked as Chewie high-fived him. 

You nudged Luke. "Everything ok, Luke?" He sighed

 "Yeah, I'm just having...I don't know heartaches...?" he questioned himself.

A look of fear crossed your face. "Oh my god, did someone die, was it, Leia, I'm going to fucking kill her if she died!" you whispered aggressively. 

"No, no, Leia's fine it's just there's a girl I like," he said with a smile. You could tell he was thinking about the girl as he had a dreamy look on his pale face.

"Oh," you said kind of disappointed. I wonder who this lucky girl is. I bet she's so much better than me. I mean look at him and look at me, you think that a guy would have a crush on ME? 

"Well Luke, you should ask out whoever this lucky girl is," you smiled at him.

 "Lucky?" he asked glancing at you in a surprised manner. 

"Yeah lucky, anyone would be lucky to be dating you!" you encouraged even though it hurt a little.

Luke now carried himself in a confident manner. "Well, ok then time to ask out this girl!"

He stayed in his spot. "Well...aren't you going to ask the lucky girl?" 

"Yeah, Y/N, do you want to maybe go on a date with me?" he said shyly.

"YES A HUNDRED TIMES YES!" you squealed then squeezed the life out of him.

"Bout time to asked Luke, Chewie was getting ideas about asking her," Han said sending you and Luke rolling on the floor dying laughing.


 You were at a local cantina when you saw Chewbacca waving at you.

"Well look who it is," you said shoving Chewie. He grunted in approval then gave you a hug which you gladly returned.

 "I missed you too, Chewie, now do you know where Han is?" you asked your heart leaping at the thought of Han Solo, your crush.

Chewie shrugged his shoulders then told you to come and sit with him at a booth he reserved. You ordered some snacks and waited patiently for about twenty minutes. 

"I wonder when he's coming..." you murmured impatiently.

 After a moment you saw Han Solo come strutting through the cantina winking at you and then sat beside you while spreading his legs apart slightly.

You grabbed his shirt and gave him a kiss on the lips. After a heated moment, it was done he just smirked. That devilish smirk. Even Chewie was smirking!

"I was just actually about to ask you on a date but I guess I got my answer," he said smirking before pulling you onto his lap.


Poe was being annoying all week. He was away on missions but that kind of wasn't his fault (it was General Leia's) and what were you left to do without him? Paperwork. Stupid paperwork. 

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