din djarin- caretaker

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edited as of 2/22/22

Imagine the Mandalorian hiring you to take care of Grogu and be his caretaker. Your from Earth but you were kidnapped when you were in college. The Mandalorian rescued you  and couldn't let you go. You've stayed with them for a couple of months now and the Mandalorian hides his feelings for you very well.

Din Djarin x gender neutral reader

It was early morning and the sun had barely risen yet. You were on the Mandalorian's ship preparing breakfast for Grogu and him.

You had been hired by him in order to take care of Grogu while he was off on missions.

The Mandalorian had just woken up and gotten dressed when he saw you in the kitchen with a bunch of ingredients surrounding you. Your eyebrows were furrowed with concentration.

"Good morning," he mumbled as you twisted around and offered him a warm smile.

"Hey Mando," you said sweetly using his nickname as you started cracking two eggs on a pan. It immediately sizzled.

"What's all this, what are you doing, Y/N?" he asked a little harshly which you ignored.

You knew that he most probably didn't mean it. He was just like that being a Mandalorian and all.

"Just decided to make you breakfast too, you know I don't ONLY care about Grogu right?" you looked at him briefly and gave him a small smile before returning to salting and spicing the eggs.

Din blushed underneath his mask.

He'd secretly taken a liking to you after you stayed with him and Grogu when only few people stayed by his side.

"Do you like your eggs scrambled?" you asked him.

"Yeah... it's fine," he said while examining your every move.

"I'll add some cheese to make it even tastier," you muttered while sprinkling shredded cheese over the eggs. The cheese melted quickly.

"Alright," he said while sitting down at a table.

You gave him a thumbs up without taking your eyes off the eggs and started to scramble the eggs with a spatula.

He didn't say anything but simply watched as you slid the eggs into a plate. He thought you to be extremely skilled.

"Bon appetit!" you said in French, handing the plate to him which he took.

Someone had said that when you were at a fancy French restaurant back on Earth when you were sixteen. You were with your friends, and you all ate ratatouille for dinner and for dessert you had delicious macarons.

You smiled at that memory. But then the smile faded away quickly as you remembered the wonderful memories you had on Earth. Until that stupid gang kidnapped you and shipped you into space.

Oh, how you missed Earth. Everything was edible there and most of the food was delicious. There wasn't as much war and violence as there was here. There was so much life, greenery, and nature there as well. And your family was there. Sure, Mando and Grogy were like your family, but they just couldn't replace your parents and other family members.

"What does that mean, I'm not familiar with that language," the Mandalorian admitted.

"Of course, you wouldn't know French, it's a language from Earth, but anyways it means to enjoy your meal," you gave him another smile.

He blushed again and gave a nervous smile under his mask.

"Croo," a little voice cooed.

"Baby!" you squealed as you saw little Grogu waddling slowly towards you. You ran over to him picked him up and tossed him in the air a couple of times.

Grogu giggled. So did you as you twirled him in the air like you were soaring in the air.

The Mandalorian smiled underneath his mask and while you weren't watching he lifted his mask up so he could eat the eggs you made for him. He instantly devoured it because it was THAT delicious.

After he ate, he quickly put down his mask, so his face wasn't visible again.

"Those were delicious eggs, Y/N," he complimented.

You put the baby down. He gave a coo of displeasure because he was having fun.

"Awww really," you were flattered and put your hand on your chest then grinned at him.

"I could do better with chicken eggs but we're not on Earth," you shrugged your shoulders and a sad feeling washed over you.

What's a chicken? he thought but shook his head at that thought.

"Din," he said loudly.

"What?" you asked confused while carrying Grogu to his little high chair.

"That's my name, Din Djarin," he spoke again as you brought the baby's breakfast to him.

"It's a beautiful name," you said while spoon-feeding "The Child" his meal. You gave Din a small smile. His heart warmed up.

"Thank you, Y/N," he said as he watched you feed the child.

He knew that you would stay by him no matter what. No matter the consequences. And soon he would ask you to be his partner. And he vowed that he would take you back to Earth. And the two of you would explore the beautiful land you've talked about together.

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