obi wan- savior complex

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summary: you have a hard time being without obi wan since he's always out on missions and you're left at home

obi wan kenobi x gn!reader

warnings: making out, sexual allusions

edited as of 6/7/22

Being Obi Wan Kenobi's partner was difficult. He was always on missions and you were left staying at home and playing the role of a senator.

You were a Senator and both of your interests aligned so you were always talking and quickly became friends.

Once she had told you about the affair she was having with Anakin, you immediately felt safe to tell her about your relationship with Obi Wan.

Your pocket buzzed that moment and you pulled out your phone. Padme was calling.

You immediately picked up and her soothing voice came out of your phone.

"Hey Y/N how are you?" she asked kindly.

"I'm good Padme I was just reading over your speech," you said as you thumbed through the pages of her long speech.

"Really? What are your thoughts?" she questioned.

"I think that it's really good but I think in the ending you could add a little bit more pizzazz and emphasis on your main point you know?" you put the phone close to your ear.

"Oh I see what you're talking about," she went off the phone for a second to revise her speech.

"Alright now that that's done what's up with you," she asked her tone poking fun at you.

"Nothing really just Obi Wan isn't here and it's been really hard lately," you sighed as you could feel her frown from the phone.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I know how hard it is," her voice soothed you slightly as you laid back on the couch you were sitting on, ready to discuss a different topic.

"Enough about me how's your pregnancy going Padme?" you asked trying to get the subject off of your boyfriend.

"Thanks for asking it's been going well just the usual morning sickness and stuff but the babies started kicking more recently and I adore it," she sounded so happy.

"That's so great Padme I'm so happy for you," you gushed as you could hear her laughter ringing from the other side of the phone.

"Oh I got to go eat lunch Y/N but if you ever want to talk to me about the boyfriend problems I'm always here for you," Padme reassured you.

"Thanks, Padme have a nice lunch," you said as you hung up.

As you laid down and nestled into a pillow, Obi Wan burst through the door smiling at your lazy form. 

He was just as handsome as you had remembered. He had trimmed his auburn beard slightly from the last time you saw him and his hair was swooped to one side.

You brought your head up to look at him and a grin broke on your face as you ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

He caught you and placed a chaste kiss on your neck and then buried his head there.

For a while, you stayed like that just holding onto one another, finding comfort in each other's arms.

"I missed you so much," you mumbled as he kissed your head and played with your hair.

"I missed you too my angel," he said.

He put you down on the couch and laid over you pressing kisses all over you admiring your beauty.

You let out a soft moan as he sucked on your neck making him grin.

You both hadn't had alone time in so long.

As he made a move to take off your shirt something in his pocket buzzed and he immediately paused his actions to check his phone making you frown.

Once he looked at the message on his phone he glanced at you with his blue eyes glazed with sadness.

"I'm sorry Y/N I have to go. Master Windu needs me to go on a mission in Naboo," 

The moment he said that your eyes were downcast and you sighed.

"Obi Wan you just got back what do you mean you have to go on another mission. You barely have any downtime with me. The last time I saw you before this was two months ago," you looked up at him.

He sat beside you and caressed your cheek gently as you averted your eyes from him.

"Y/N this is my job as a Jedi I have to go. There could be people in danger," his voice was gentle which aggravated you.

"Master Windu could easily get any other Jedi, Obi Wan I want you to stay with me, least for a few minutes," your voice cracked as he stared at you guiltily.


"Please, Obi Wan I love you so much and I want you to stay for me. You're always saving other people but this time I want you to save me," you took his hand in yours and kissed it gently.

Obi Wan loved you so much and it hurt to not see you every day. 

"I'll talk to Master Windu but in the meantime, I'll stay with you," he looked so happy when you hugged him.

"My dear I always want to be with you. Don't you ever forget that. Whenever I'm on missions I'm always thinking of're always on my mind," Obi Wan said as he played with your hair.

You laid on his chest and stared up into his ocean blue eyes.

"Me too," you said as you lifted a hand up to his cheek and he immediately melted at your touch as he brought his fingers to his lips.

Suddenly you lifted yourself up and started straddling his lap as he looked shocked for a split second.

"Maybe what I'm about to do to you will make you consider not leaving me for a while," you brought your lips close to his ear making him shudder.

"My love-"

You cut him off by smashing your lips onto his in a needy, rough kiss.

He immediately kissed you back with just as much neediness as he cupped your cheeks.

Suddenly you stopped kissing him making him grunt with disappointment.

"Aww you're a little upset huh?" you taunted as you cocked your head to the side placing your fingers underneath his chin.

"Beg for me," you said darkly as you touched his beard gently.

"Y/N love...please touch me I can't take it," his eyes were eager as he stared at you, swallowing.

You smirked at his response and then got down to your knees, spreading his legs apart.

"There's my good boy,"

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