anakin/obi-wan/padme- period?

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summary: reader is late for practice in the morning so anakin and obi-wan investigate and reader tells them that they are on their period so they call padme.

obi-wan x afab!reader x anakin x padme (platonic)

warnings: none just periods

word count: 829

You had been having a nice sleep when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen.

Your eyes shot open as you clutched your stomach, immediately curling in a fetal position as if you had been majorly injured.

It was hurting so bad that a few tears slipped down your cheeks.

You groaned as you rolled around your sheets, planting your face promptly into your pillow, still continuing to groan.

You lay there for an hour, trying to ease the pain in your abdomen before you heard a loud knock on your door.

"Y/N?" a voice called from behind your door.

Fuck, you thought before turning over to your clock. The moment your eyes scanned it you cursed internally once more.

You were late for your sparring match with your fellow padawan, Anakin Skywalker.

"I don't think I'm feeling up for fighting today, Ani," you croaked.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah, just feeling a little sick," you said as you felt another stab in your body.

"I'm coming in,"

Your eyes widened.

"Anakin, Anakin no!"

It was too late, the door that led to your quarters had been opened and a fully-robed Anakin sauntered into the room, his lightsaber attached to his dark robes.

His dark eyes immediately landed on your bed where you lay.

He knelt by your bed and pressed his hand to your forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever?" the long-haired man sounded confused.

"Anakin it's because-"

"Anakin did you get them I've been waiting?" the voice of Obi-Wan appeared from by the door.

Good grief, you thought.

"Master she's ill but I don't understand it she doesn't have a fever or a cough?" he told the Jedi-Master as he walked over to where you are.

A stray tear fell down your cheek as Obi-Wan's blue eyes looked down at your figure with worry.

He swiped your tear away.

"Dear, what's wrong?" his voice was soft as he knelt beside Anakin.

"You guys ugh," another jab beat at your belly as you curled up further into a ball.

"Maker call a medical droid, Anakin," Obi-Wan stood up, anxiety filling his entire system.

"Master, what's going on?" Anakin's dark eyes were as large as saucers.

"I'm not sure-"

"GUYS!" you screamed.

Both of their heads snapped towards you, matching looks of shock covering their faces.

"I'm on my period,"

The moment you finished your sentence, both of the Jedi's cheeks flamed.

"Oh," they said in unison.

"Can you please get Padme? She'll know what to do," your eyes flickered to each of their shocked forms.

Anakin immediately ran out of the room while Obi-Wan stood apprehensively, looking stiff.

"You can leave now, Obi-Wan," a small smile graced your lips at this rare image of an uncomfortable Obi-Wan.

The auburn-haired Jedi-Master shook his head vigorously before staring at you.

A laugh left your throat.

"Of course, Y/N, feel better," he bowed his head before leaving, with the shut the door.

A few minutes later, Padme rushed in carrying a box.

"Hey, I heard from Anakin that you're having a rough morning," she sat beside you on your bed as you put your head in her lap and nodded.

"Aww," she said, patting your head before lifting you up.

"I brought you some of your favorite food, some water, and some medicine for your cramps," the Senator smiled as she handed you to box full of all the contents she mentioned.

"Padme have I ever told you that I loved you?" you said as you opened the box and began digging into your favorite dish.

Padme's sweet laugh rang across the room.

"Multiple times, yes," she said.

"Well I love you even more," you said with your mouth full of food.

She smiled, rubbing circles into your hand for a moment before standing up.

"Well I have to get back to work but enjoy the care package," she gave you a quick hug.

"Bye Padme!" you called and she waved before leaving you in darkness.

A few minutes later after you had finished your meal, the two Jedi returned, with sheepish looks on their face.

"Y/N, I've decided to give you the day off," Obi-Wan cleared his throat after a moment before you burst into laughter.

"Masters I'll be alright, the medicine Padme gave me should be kicking in soon enough so I'll be able to spar against you, Ani," you gave Anakin a smile which he immediately reciprocated.

"Well, that's good news because then I was going to go against Master and you know how much of a buzzkill he is," his lips curled up in a wicked grin as Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

"Alright Y/N whenever you're ready, please join us, but in the meantime, I will be teaching this padawan a lesson on manners," the older Jedi grabbed his padawan's robe and pulled him out of your room.

Oh was Anakin in for it.

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