luke skywalker- sunsets

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summary: you and luke take a relaxing day to the beach

luke x gn!reader

warnings: none

word count: 513

written: 9/13/22


Not a single thought crossed your mind as you padded along the smooth sand of the beach, your feet burned with each step from the hot grainy bits beneath you as you continued to tread along, your boyfriend beside you the entire time.

You felt peaceful for a moment, a breath of relief from worrying about what happened now that the war had been won.

You ignored those lingering thoughts and instead stared at your handsome lover.

He stared away into the sunset, the sky was painted a brilliant pink mixed with orange and yellow hues with two twin large bright suns in the center of it.

You had initially wanted to watch the suns but now you were simply distracted by his mesmerizing gaze of clear awe as he drank in the beauty in front of him while you did the same.

His sandy-colored hair fell over his glittering baby blue eyes as he continued to stare intently into the sun. He was dressed in a loose-fitted shirt that showcased his toned upper body and paired it with a pair of brightly colored swim trunks.

"Luke," your voice was gentle as his eyes flicked your way, giving you his full attention as if you were his world.

"Yes?" a radiant smile graced his face as you felt your heart stop and your breath catch in your throat.

How did you ever manage to be with a person this beautiful?

His eyes were laser-focused on you in a concerned yet adoring way.

Whenever he looked at you, you could tell that it was different from the way he looked at everyone else. His features softened and his body physically relaxed in the presence of you. He would smile in a way that was only reserved for you, showing all of his pearly whites before he made his way to you.

Your lips curled up into a gentle smile at your thoughts before you pressed your lips onto his in a quick kiss.

Once you leaned back, Luke's lips chased yours before you pressed a single finger to his lips. His eyes were confused.

He pressed gentle kisses onto your finger before intertwining your hands together once more.

"What is it, Y/N?" he questioned.

You looked up into his eyes and found yourself getting lost in them again.

You lifted up your hands to the sides of his face as he closed his eyes and melted into your touch.

"I'm just so lucky to have you, Luke," you kissed his cheeks gently.

His cheeks immediately turned bright pink before he opened his eyes and pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your body.

"I love you so much, Y/N," he pressed a kiss onto your hair before spinning you around so that you had a good view of the sunset.

"I love you too, Luke," you smiled into his chest, his warmth engulfing you.

You wrapped your arms tighter around his waist as you both watched both suns disappear into the great mass of blue water in front of you.

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