kylo ren- safe space

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summary: you help kylo relax as you offer him some advice

kylo ren x gn!reader

warnings: none

word count: 623

written: 2/28/23


The moment Kylo Ren slammed open the door to your shared quarters and banged it shut, you could practically feel the anger radiating off him.

You said nothing as you watched him toss his helmet into oblivion, showcasing his once pale now red face contorted with anger, veins popping from his forehead.

He stopped moving, his shoulders moving up and down with every huff that left his mouth.

At this point, you left your bed and walked over to him, placing a gentle hand on his face, watching as he shut his eyes from the comforting feeling of your palm.

You then removed your hand from his face and took his gloved hand in yours.

You took him over to your bed and sat him down.

Then, you started to remove his gloves from his hands, placing a gentle kiss on each of them before taking off his boots.

Kylo watched you, his brown eyes flickering to each of your gentle movements.

Next, you peeled off his dark tunic, leaving his chest bare and heaving.

"Relax," you muttered, pushing him onto the mattress.

"What are you up to, princess?" he questioned, sitting up against the bed as you climbed into his lap.

"Nothing, I swear," you said as his large hands immediately came to rest on your hips.

He arched a single eyebrow with amusement but didn't question your actions again.

Your hands returned to his cheeks as you caressed the smooth skin, smiling at the way his eyes drooped with pleasure.

"Stop smirking," his deep voice rumbled through the room as you let out a soft laugh before pressing a kiss to his temple. You didn't miss the way his lips curled up into a smile. A smile only reserved for you.

When you first started being in a relationship it took quite some time for him to be vulnerable with you due to some of his past failed relationships with family members and other people he had been involved with.

You rested your head on his shoulder and started playing with his hair.

"So what's wrong," you asked, running your hand through his long dark locks.

He sighed.

"After becoming Supreme Leader it seems that everyone still doesn't take me seriously," he rubbed his temples.

You took note of the twinge of annoyance in his voice and decided to let him speak more before adding your own input.

"Like for example whenever I walk around the compound instead of stopping to salute me, everyone stays silent or whispers and doesn't do anything," 

You watched as he clenched his fists, his knuckles turning a white color.

You hummed in response, acknowledging that you had heard him.

"And whenever General Hux walks by they all immediately drop whatever task I've given them to salute him and give him compliments," Kylo's voice dripped with malice at the mention of the general whom he hated so much.

Kylo had started to hate the general even more after he watched him shamelessly flirt with you while you desperately tried to avoid his advances. 

You could not tell if Hux was serious with his advances or whether he was trying to make Kylo upset. Whatever his intentions, he clearly succeeded in making Kylo despise him even more.

"Give them time, Kylo. I mean it's only been two weeks since Snoke passed away. They need time to adjust to you as their leader," you rubbed his chest with one of your hands while the other continued to rake through his hair. 

He nodded.

"I suppose...maybe I haven't been fair with them," he sighed.

"You see this is why you'll be a good leader," you said with a smile as he looked down at you.

He was so lucky to have you. He'd never say it out loud but he was.

"Thank you, princess," he kissed your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"You're welcome, Kylo,"

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