kylo ren- memories

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Imagine being Kylo Ren's pregnant wife and he comes home grumpy so you cheer him up by reminding him of all the adventures the two of you have had.

When your husband, Kylo Ren came home from work he arrived abruptly slamming the door behind him. He immediately took off his mask and tossed it away.

"Honey?" you questioned while putting a hand on your pregnant stomach. There was rage in his eyes but they softened when they looked at you. 

"Hello, Y/N I need a hug," he said while coming up to you and wrapping his arms around you. You returned the favor smiling. 

"Who upset you this time?" you asked him while sitting down on a couch in your living room.

 "General Hux," he sneered and joined you. 

"Isn't it always him?" you asked while putting a hand on his arm to soothe him. He nodded. 

"Why don't I go up there and show him who's boss," you said while raising a fist. That brought a smile to his face. 

"Y/N, you need to stay home and rest, our baby is coming soon," he said while gently putting a hand on your stomach. He loved doing this. Feeling the little unborn child in your stomach. The product of your love.

"I know something that will make you feel better," you said holding his hand. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Talking about the good old days,"

"Remember when you snuck out to see me when we were fourteen? you asked with a laugh.


Ben Solo longed to see you. The two of you were best friends at his uncle's little Jedi school. He had to see you. He'd have to be extra careful not to get caught by his overprotective uncle, Luke Skywalker. Sneaking into the girl's cabins was a no-no. He snuck into the bushes and looked through a window and saw you.

You were meanwhile sleeping soundly. "Y/N!" Ben called. You still slept. "Y/N!" you woke up with a loud piglike snort that made him collapse into laughs. "Ben, what are you doing up, it's like three in the morning, ugh" you mumbled sleepily and clearly frustrated. Ben thought you looked adorable with your crazy tangled hair and your tired, sagging eyes. 

"I just came to see you," he said. That warmed up your heart. "Ben you see me every single day at this school," you smiled. 

"And I literally have eye boogers and slobber everywhere," He climbed into the windowsill and sat on it. "I's just that you're so beautiful"

You blushed hard. "Not right now," you laughed causing him to laugh.

"BEN SOLO!" called a frantic voice. Master Luke's to be precise. 

"Oh shit, he's going to literally kill me," he exclaimed. 

"BEN SOLO," Master Luke kept calling worriedly.

"I got to go," he said jumping out the window. "Yeah, no shit" you laughed. "Bye, Y/N, see you in a couple of hours!"

"Bye, Benny" you smiled at him then returned to sleep.

Flashback end

"You had gotten in so much trouble" you laughed. "Master Luke was not pleased at all, he even told your parents,"

"At least he didn't know that I was going to see you, he would've killed me," Kylo said his face now glowing. 

"Tell me another story of our past Y/N," he said while resting his head on your stomach.

"It's kicking me," he said softly. You and ran your hand through his raven hair as he hummed in content. 

"Remember the time when we pranked General Hux so bad he tattled to the Supreme Leader,"


Kylo was completely fed up with Hux. You weren't his girlfriend at the time just his best friend.

 "Kylo, if your so fed up with Hux why don't you confront him?" you asked him. "No, that's lame" he stated simply. "You're lame," you said shoving him making him laugh underneath his mask. "Can't help what's true," he simply responded.

"C'mon, I have a better idea," you said with a mischievous look. 

"Whatever you're planning sounds dangerous, Y/N, I'm not going to kill him even though I really want to," he said aloud. You snickered. 

"Chill out, Kylo it's just a prank, a very evil prank," you imitated an evil laugh. "MWAHAHAHAHA!" you cried out making Kylo shake his head. 

"Stop, let's just start planning," he said.

What you had in mind was indeed dangerous. You could get in huge trouble by the Supreme Leader if Hux found out who did it but the two of you didn't care; you just wanted to get back at Hux.

"Y/N, are you sure this is safe?" Kylo was lifting you up as you were putting a bucket of blue paint on the top of the door to Hux's room. To be precise you stood on his shoulders and he was struggling to keep you up.

"Completely safe, he'll just look like a smurf for the day!" you said proud of your genius plan.

 "Well done, Y/N," he said while putting you on the floor. 

You heard the familiar clip-clop of General Hux's boots and dashed so he couldn't see the two of you. He turned the knob on his door and the blue paint splashed on him. He was not happy whatsoever.

"WHO DID THIS!" he sneered. "THEY WILL BEG FOR MERCY!" he screamed. His ginger hair was now completely blue.

Flashback over

"I will never forget that ever," Kylo wiped the joyful tears from his eyes.

 "When the baby's here we should prank him again," he laughed. 

"That's enough pranks for you, sir," you wagged a finger at him. For a moment everything was silent and Kylo had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Are you happy now, or are you still going to be a grumpy old troll?" you asked while holding your stomach.

"I am very happy, Y/N, my doll, thanks to you, obviously," he said while kissing your cheek.

"I love you," you said breathlessly.

 "I love you more," he whispered in your ear. 

The two of you kissed on the lips for a moment. 

"More," he begged as he latched his lips onto your collarbone. 

"No no no, the baby does not like mushy stuff," you said while staring at your large stomach. Kylo laughed and then the two of you fell asleep on the couch happily.

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