kylo ren- family

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Hey guys! It's been a while. I haven't really been in the mood to do anything lately. I've been watching Harry Styles and One Direction videos and I literally forgot this existed. I've also been playing a lot of animal crossing and it's safe to say that I'm addicted. I also have so much online school to do. UGHHHH. I am so sorry for this super late imagine! BUT ENJOY!

Imagine your daughter trying to get Kylo's attention but he is too focused on making you feel comfortable since you were pregnant.

You were curled up in bed, a fluffy gray blanket wrapped around you. Your husband, Kylo Ren was making you feel comfortable because you were six months pregnant. He had taken the day off because you weren't feeling your best.

"Do you need anything else my love?" Kylo asked as he rubbed you back gently and kissed your forehead.

"If it's not too much trouble could you bring in a bucket of vanilla ice cream?" you looked at him and batted your eyelashes.

He rolled your eyes at your antics then kissed your cheek. 

"Anything for you," and he left leaving you alone.

Once he left your quarters, your little daughter Aurora peeked into the room. She was the spitting image of Kylo with thick curly locks of raven black hair and hazel eyes. 

"Mommy?" she questioned as she walked over to you. 

You got up reluctantly.

"Hey pumpkin do you need something?" you reached over and carried her small body onto your bed.

"Where's daddy he promised me he would play dollies with me?" she asked looking a little sad.

"Oh honey," you cooed as you pet her unruly hair. 

"Daddy is getting me some ice cream right now for me and the baby, once he comes back he'll play with you ok?"

You kissed her forehead. "Now can you let mommy and the baby get some rest?"

Aurora blew a raspberry but nodded after and left to go to her room. 

After an hour Kylo returned with the ice cream.

Your face brightened. "Thank you sweetie, you're the best!" you said then kissed him. 

He joined you in bed and the two of you cuddled until you fell asleep. He lay awake and watched you sleep (just to clarify not in a creepy way) and had a lazy smile on his lips. 

Aurora stomped back into the room making the ground shake with her light-up sketchers.

"Aurora keep it down, mommy is sleeping" Kylo gave her a stern look.

She puffed out her cheeks and a pout grew on her face. She crossed her arm. She was an extremely sassy four-year-old.

"You promised that we would play dollies daddy," she stamped her foot impatiently.

Kylo sighed as he remembered what he had promised. And your daughter wouldn't forget it because she had impeccable memory.

He reluctantly got out of bed quietly hoping not to wake you and slung an eager Aurora over his shoulder resulting in her making a loud squeal. The two of them went to Aurora's room.  Her room wasn't like other little girl's rooms. She had a bright red race car bed. And she had dolls that were monsters. 

He put her down then crouched down to where Aurora was picking out a doll for him.

"Here daddy you can be Elsa and Ariel and I'll be the big bad monster," she gave him a toothy grin which made Kylo smile. 

"Ahhhh, run Ariel, it's a big bad monster," Kylo said in a high-pitched squeaky voice which made Aurora giggle. 

"Fi fie fo fum, I'm a big monster and I'm gonna eat you for breakfast!" Aurora said aggressively.

"Elsa, Elsa, do something, use your ice powers or something!" Ariel (Kylo) squealed.

"Okay hang on!" Elsa (Kylo) said. Kylo got a toy snowflake and flung it at the monster.

"Hahaha, you think that a little snow is going to kill me? I am going to eat you!" the little girl said as she made the monster grab the two girls and put the girls' heads into the monster's mouth.

"AHHH!" Elsa and Ariel screamed which made Aurora giggle.

You had woken up because the two of them were being loud and got up to see what chaos they were causing. You waddled over to Aurora's room and smiled as you held your bulging stomach. The two of them were playing with each other which made your heart melt.

"Hey you two," you said.

"Hi mommy, daddy, and I were just playing dollies!" the little girl had a huge smile on her face.

"I can see that but now it's time to go to bed" you looked at Aurora who's smile turned into a frown.

"I don't wanna go to bed mommy!" she screeched.

"Hush, Aurora, you are going to go to sleep, we can play Monsters and Princesses again tomorrow ok?" Kylo said as he picked her up and put her into her race car bed.

She yawned. "Pinky promise?" she held out her pinky which Kylo took.

"Pinky promise," he said then kissed her forehead. You went over and did the same.

"Goodnight Princess," Kylo said then shut the door.

You kissed Kylo on the mouth.

"I love you so much did you know that? You are such a good father to her," you smiled as he helped you back into bed.

"And you're a good mother but we all know that Aurora is a daddy's girl,"

You rolled your eyes. "The truth hurts,"

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