din djarin- maroon

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summary: din djarin spills a drink on grogu's babysitter whom he happens to be in love with

din djarin x fem!reader

warnings: none

word count: 1099

written: 1/19/23


Din Djarin made sure that his beskar armor was polished just right.

The people of Freetown or what was formerly known as Mos Pelgo were hosting a party in celebration of the new name.

Before Din was about to head out of town with his child and you as Grogu's babysitter, Cobb Vanth stopped you in your tracks.

"Woah woah woah, where are you folks heading off to? Don't you know that there's a party about to happen? And guess what? You all are the guests of honor!" Vanth had drawled.

Din took one look at your eager look and immediately told Cobb that he'd stay.

He would never ever want to hurt you.

After you had joined his crew, Din had grown to love and appreciate you. The way you cared for his child like he was your own and the way you constantly checked on him made him fall deeply in love with you.

So now here he was polishing the last of his helmet before he promptly slipped it back on over his head.

You can previously left the Razorcrest to help out with party decorations since many townsfolk had requested your help with setting up.

Before you had left you had placed a bright red bowtie next to Grogu's sleeping quarters.

Taking the hint, Din took the bow and set it beside Grogu who sat in the cockpit, teething on a colorful ball that you had bought him from a marketplace on Coruscant.

Din took the ball out of Grogu's mouth.

"You can't eat that," Din stated to the baby who let out a whine of annoyance before crawling onto the Mandalorian's thigh and sitting on it.

The Mandalorian placed the bowtie over the child's head and down to its neck.

Din stepped back and admired Grogu whose brown eyes stared down at the red bowtie quizzically.

"Grogu you can't take that off, Y/N won't be happy if you don't wear that," he told the baby who was trying to rip the piece of clothing from his neck.

Grogu stared up at him, his big brown eyes looking into his father's helmet, and cooed with understanding.

"Yeah now let's get to the party," Din told the child before picking him up and exiting the ship.


When Din entered the party he was shocked by the number of decorations that adorned the walls.

There were strings of lanterns that adorned the wall along with flowers.

It was definitely your touch.

Din searched the large room for you, trying to scout you out of the large mass of people that had squished inside.

Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder.

The Mandalorian turned around expecting it to be you but it was just Cobb Vanth.

The sheriff chuckled at the jerk of his helmet.

"I know you're looking for your girl...she's over there by the Twi'lek," he pointed over to the right side of the room where many people danced to the beat of an instrument.

He still couldn't see you.

"Over by the treats table," Cobb said before Din finally laid his eyes on you.

Your hair was adorned with flowers and you were dressed in a beautiful dress that made your eyes sparkle.

Din could've sworn his heart stopped.

You were an angel.

"Yeah ain't she a doll?" Cobb laughed before slapping the Mandalorian's shoulder in a friendly way.

Din was lucky that there was a helmet covering his face because his cheeks glowed red from anger from Cobb's comment and also how pretty you looked.

He saw you turn away from the Twi'lek and stare directly at him and the child.

Your eyes glowed as your mouth spread into a grin.

"It's so nice to see you both!" you smiled before tickling Grogu's chin.

"And look at you! You look so dashing in that cute little tie," you gushed before pressing a kiss onto the child's wrinkly green forehead.

"You look nice too, Din," you gave him a sweet smile before touching his clothed wrist momentarily, the brief touch sending shivers down his spine.

"Yeah and uh...you look beautiful," he said, his modulated voice masking his stuttering.

Another smile graced your face.

"Aww thank you, Din," you put your arms behind your back and slightly swung them, trying to keep your mind from combusting at the Mandalorian's comment.

Before Din could speak again, he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.

He turned to find a Mirilian couple beaming at him.

"Well, I'll leave you to it," you put a hand on his shoulder before turning away and retreating toward the Twi'lek you were previously talking to.

Din was getting tired.

Being the guest of honor meant a lot of attention for him and the child which was something that he wasn't used to.

He turned his helmet towards you, you were spinning to the beat of the instrument playing while hearty laughs came from your throat.

A wine glass full of a burgundy-colored drink sat in your hand as you continued to sway to the music.

Initially, Din wasn't going to bother you and was just going to suck it up and try to enjoy himself at the party but Grogu was falling asleep on his shoulder.

So he started towards you, moving through the bustling and dancing crowd in front of him until he got to you.

The moment he reached for you he was interrupted by the sound of a glass shattering and a loud splash.

Your dress was now a burgundy color, a color that matched the color of his cheeks which were luckily guarded by his mask.

Your mouth hung agape as you stared at the big spot on your dress.

"Y/N I am so...so sorry," he apologized profusely before you cut him off with a laugh.

His heart stopped.

He had spilled wine all over your beautiful dress and you were laughing?

He was confused.

"Din, it's okay, this will come out the next time I wash our clothes," you smiled.

Din exhaled feeling slightly better about splashing your dress.

"Aww I see someone is a little sleepy," you cocked your head to the side before caressing the yawning child on the Mandalorian's shoulder.

"Just a bit," Din joked, trying to make light of the situation.

But you could see right through his mask.

"Come on let's go home, Mando, I know you're tired too," you swung an arm over his shoulder and shook your head lightly.

Under his mask, a small smile stretched across Din's face.

He was so in love with you.

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