kylo ren- high school

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Also let me know if you want more high school AU's or a part 2 to this. I also might do a hogwarts AU too. Anyways, enjoy :D

Cursing alert.

Imagine being a Junior in high school new to the coolest high school ever, Star Haven High School. You are friends with everyone and capture everyone's eye because you are funny, smart, and pretty. Kylo Ren doesn't like you but you make it a mission to make him like you.

You were in your car with your mom listening to music on your phone on your way to your new school Star Haven High School.

"So, honey" you mom tried to strike up conversation. She looked a bit guilty for sending you to this school without your consent.

You took out your earbud with a sigh. You couldn't stay mad at her though. She was too sweet and apologized like a million times. "Yeah, mom?" you asked.

"You excited for your first day at Star Haven?" she asked keeping her eyes on the road. 

"I guess so but I'll miss my old friends at Williamsburg" you said recalling all the friends you had made back at your old high school. And all of the great memories you made there. Like your best friends, Miranda and Charlotte who you spilled all your secrets to. And your now ex boyfriend, Michael who was the star player of Williamsburg's Varsity basketball team. You had broken up with him because you thought that going to different schools would be hard to keep up a relationship.

"Oh, honey, you'll be fine and you should be lucky you made it into such a good private school! And your so outgoing, did you see how many friends you made at Williamsburg?"

You shrugged your shoulders. "I guess so" you put your earbuds back in. Your nervousness was slightly soothed by the music.

You finally saw the huge Star Haven High School and sucked in a breath. No doubt you were nervous. You took a deep breath.

"Bye, mom" you said and kissed her cheek and embracing her. She gladly returned the hug. "Have a good first day of school, sweetie!" she called as you slung your backpack over your shoulder and entered the big school.

You walked around the hallways where there were big blue lockers. You put your supplies in your locker and once you closed it there was a person next to you. You gasped.

"Hi, sorry to scare you, I'm Rey, and I see that your new, let me know if you need anything" a girl with her brown hair in a bun with brown eyes smiled. You smiled back at her. She was really pretty and you could tell that she was popular for sure.

"I'm Y/N, yeah, I'm new, I was wondering if you could show me to where my classes are" you said showing her your schedule.

"Oh, cool! We have all of our classes together" she said then put her hand up for a high five which you returned.

"Awesome, so can we go to class?" you asked Rey. "For sure" she said and the two of you walked to your first class.


When it was finally lunch you had already managed to make lots of friends with the popular kids who were friends with Rey. They were the jocks and nerds of the school. They were also "goody two shoes" which surprised you a bit since the popular people at Williamsburg we're almost all druggies. Rey was a star volleyball player and one of the smartest students in general at the school.

"So your friend actually used to hide your teacher's textbook so you wouldn't have to work?" a popular guy named Finn asked. He was the captain of the football team and Valedictorian of his class in his Sophomore year.

"Yeah!" you laughed. "Our teacher was old and didn't really care so we'd usually just watch Jurassic Park or something"

The group who surrounded you laughed. You were becoming popular and it was only the first day of school!

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