anakin skywalker- broken promises (smut)

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summary: you get injured in battle and break a promise that you made with anakin.

anakin x fem!reader

warnings: smut, character death

word count: 1335

written:  3/2/23



Once the final droid was split, in two Anakin Skywalker let out a loud yell of victory.

He and Obi-Wan and their clone squadrons had fought for days to remove the presence of the Sith on Bespin.

The rest of his clone crew was celebrating, bumping chests with one another as he searched the battlefield for a sign of you.

You had also brought your troops to fight after Anakin had frantically messaged you saying how they were going to surrender if there wasn't any extra aid.

You had been back on Coruscant after recently coming back to Tatooine for a mission to rescue a senator from a Sith Lord and you had been resting back at your quarters when you received Anakin's transmission.

Immediately you had called your troop in and set a course to Bespin.

You and Anakin had known each other for years ever since he became a padawan under Obi-Wan. You had been one of the first people to welcome and befriend him as he would always receive nasty glares from other padawans that were jealous of the amount of attention he received from other masters.

Just last year you had both confessed your love to one another and established a secret relationship. Whenever you could, the two of you would hold hands on missions, sneak over to each other's rooms at night, and shower each other with kisses.

You both were madly in love with each other and it showed.

Anakin looked around for any sign of you as he watched your squadron arrive to his location.

"Where's Y/N?" he asked one of the clones.

"Not sure sir, we lost track of them while we were fighting," the clone shrugged his shoulders.

"Fuck," he mumbled worriedly as he started to scour the battlefield.

It was a massacre with a mixture of bloodied clones with horrible gashes and torn-up droids.

Captain Rex appeared at his side and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find them, general," the captain gave the Jedi a reassuring look.

"Boys, c'mon stop your playing, we need to look for General Y/N!" Rex barked at the clones who immediately got in formation and started to look.

Surely you were playing a prank on him, right? Anakin thought as his eyes scanned the mass of dead bodies and droids thorougly.

But deep down he knew that you'd never play a prank in a graphic scene like this.

Anakin ran a hand through his dark hair nervously as he stomped through, his heart pounding hard in his chest.

Suddenly he heard a voice that made his heard stop.


"Y/N! Where are you?" Anakin asked, spinning around.

The moment he saw you his heart stopped.

Your once beige tunic was now stained red and there was a large pool of blood surrounding you. Gashes littered your entire body and your eyes were sunken making you almost unrecognizable to him.

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