kylo ren- safety

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Hi everyone I hope you're all doing well. Today my bird Kiko passed away. He was one of the greatest things in my life and now he's gone. A few days ago I got home and all of the feathers on his stomach were missing and so today my mom took him and my other bird to the vet to see what was going on. While she was there, Kiko had a seizure and all of the vets rushed over to him. And then he was gone just like that. Kiko made me so happy and he helped me through some rough times. I had him for five years and now he's gone. I just buried him and looking at his motionless body, his closed eyes it made me want to crumble. This imagine is for anyone that feels sad and needs the arms of a fictional character. I love you all so much <3

Going to work felt like torture for you. The days would drag on and you barely had any motivation left to live.

You'd work, go back to your quarters, eat a quick dinner, and then sleep. The same cycle over and over again. It was never-ending.

You didn't really have many friends and your parents called occasionally but that was all the support you got from anyone.

And then there was your cat. Augustine was your favorite thing in the world. She was a beautiful gray Norwegian Forest cat with silky soft fur and a light blue collar.

You had bought her when she was just a kitten and she was your motivation in life. She was your best friend and you loved her so much.

 After a long day of work, you were extremely tired and desperately needed cuddles with your favorite feline friend.

Opening up the door to your quarters you whistled calling out to your cat. Whenever you'd whistle Augustine would barge through the living room and jump into your arms.

Today was different.

Augustine was nowhere to be found.

"Auggie where are you?" you used her sweet nickname as you searched your apartment for your pet.

When you finally found her she was motionless on your bathroom floor.

You immediately rushed down to her and checked to see if she was breathing. 

No breath came from her and you immediately panicked picking her up and rushing out of your quarters.

In the hallway, you ran past Supreme Leader Kylo Ren who looked confused at your running and frantic state. And to why you were holding a cat.

He turned around and looked to where you ran. His eyebrows furrowed.

You ran over to the veterinary office. It was established just for General Hux's cat Millicent but soon after people started bringing their own pets to the office.

You went up to the front desk and the moment the woman looked at your tear-stricken face and then to your cat she immediately took Augustine from your arms and went into the back to find a vet.

You stayed in the lobby waiting for a while.

You just wanted your cat to be okay. You loved her so much.

A woman with black curly hair and large black-rimmed glasses and a white coat walked into the lobby with a solemn expression on her face.

"Miss L/N, I'm sorry but your cat is gone," the woman's voice was soft as your heart split into two.

Your lips parted and then started to tremble.

More tears slipped onto your cheeks as you suddenly darted out of the room.

Your vision blurred from the number of tears that came out of your eyes.

Suddenly you bumped into something hard.

"Watch where you're going!" Kylo Ren growled as he suddenly whipped his head around to face your broken state.

His eyes immediately softened.

You didn't say anything as you tried to make your way past him as you shuddered.

Kylo grabbed your wrist gently.

"I'm sorry my tone was harsh," the Supreme Leader admitted.

Secretly this man had a soft spot for you and he didn't want to make a bad impression on you.

"I'm sorry but who even are you I can't fucking see," your voice was low as you rubbed your eyes and were face to face with the Supreme Leader.

"Oh, my apologies Supreme Leader," your eyes were bloodshot.

He looked at you sadly as he finally got the picture of how you had returned without your cat.

"May I?" he whispered as he opened up his arms as a motive to hug you.

You nodded as he immediately embraced you and your tears started running down your face.

"I miss her so much," you sobbed into his chest as he played with your hair.

Kylo gently placed a kiss on your head as you sniffled.

"Tell me about her," Kylo's voice was gentle.

"She was my best friend and she would always come up to me when I was going to sleep and sleep in my arms. Her favorite treats were temptations. God, I miss her so much," you choked on a sob as you clutched onto his robes.

He held you close to him and caressed your cheek.

You felt safe in his big warm arms. You felt yourself relax and your eyes start to close as his touches were so gentle. 

"She sounds like she was a cool cat," the large man stated.

"She was," you sighed as you gently moved Kylo's arms off of you.

"Thank you Supreme Leader, surprisingly I'm feeling better," you offered him a watery smile as he gave you a small smile in return.

"Please you can call me Kylo," he spoke as he stared at your disheveled state.

You reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Kylo," you mumbled as you started back towards your quarters.

The Supreme Leader you knew was dark but this Kylo was so sweet and caring.

Kylo watched your retreating form and felt a sense of happiness build up in his body that he had helped you.

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