kylo ren- cardigan

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You sat facing the beach in front of you with your hair flying because of the gentle breeze. You were dressed in a purple vintage tee with your arms crossed. Your best friend Ben sat beside you and wrapped an arm around your waist as you snuggled into his neck and inhaled his fresh scent. His dark hair tickled your neck.

You and Ben had met when your parents had introduced you to each other when you were young and you had become fast friends after he had fallen on the floor making him embarrassed and then you did the same so he wouldn't feel as bad.

From pushing each other into lakes to playing hide and seek in the dark, dancing in your Levi's, and telling scary stories to each other you both became best friends.

When Ben had to leave for Jedi training when you were both twelve you were both devastated that you would only get to see each other in the summers.

On that day Ben had kissed your cheek and gave you a huge hug which started your crush.

Now here you were at sixteen enjoying each other's company.

"I'm so happy you're here, Ben," you whispered as you stared into the large blue body of water in front of you.

"I'm happy to be back, Y/N," the boy said while playing with your hair.

His big brown eyes stared down at your form which was folded in his direction.

"I actually have a present for you," he spoke as he gently moved you off of him and your eyes lit up at the word present.

He turned around and took something out of his bag.

You couldn't see and you were dying of anticipation.

He turned around and held a large delicate white cardigan with three intricate silver stars on the elbow patches.

Your jaw dropped.

"I have a matching one. I knitted it a few weeks ago with some tips from my mother but I don't know it just reminds me of you," Ben shrugged his shoulders as his brown eyes scanned you for a reaction. He was nervous to see how you would react. He spent so much time on it and he wanted you to be happy.

 You jumped into his arms making him stagger back into the sand so that you were on top of him.

He started blushing profusely and so did you after staring at his tomato red cheeks.

"Ben I love it thank you so much!" you smiled as you got off of him and took the cardigan from his big hands and put it on as it swallowed your figure.

"It fits perfectly,"  the Solo declared as you gave him an innocent look, your heart swelling in your chest, and then went up to him and kissed him.

You didn't know what got into you.

After a moment of shock, Ben kissed you back and cupped your cheeks gently wanting to taste every part of your lips.

You pulled apart with both of your lips plump as you stared into each other's eyes.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while. I didn't know that you would feel the same way though...that was only in my dreams," the young Solo blushed as he cast his soft doe brown eyes downward. His hands thumbed with the material of his own matching cardigan.

"I knew you'd come back to me," you lifted his chin up and stroked his cheeks.

"After we wear the cardigans for a bit we should wear each others. Like maybe every other week," you smiled up at him as he looked down at you with love and then leaned in to kiss you once more.

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