din djarin (smut)- helping hand

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summary: din is frustrated after a bounty gets away so you help him out

din djarin x gn!reader

warnings: straight up smut, oral (m receiving)

word count: 870

written: 8/24/22


You had been playing catch with Grogu in the cockpit of the Razor Crest, matching smiles on both of your faces when the Mandalorian you worked for stormed onto the ship, his metal boots clanking onto the floor.

Grogu squealed and immediately crawled into your arms out of fear of the loud noises his father was making.

Finally, the Mandalorian strode into the cockpit, and immediately you could practically feel his anger steaming off him.

He sat onto the pilot seat and immediately started smashing buttons, urging the ship to life.

The child in your arms cooed and rested his head in the crook of your neck.

"Din?" you questioned as you stood up and stroked Grogu's wrinkly head.

The Mandalorian gave no response but you could see his gloved fingers grip the steering device tightly.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, baby," you planted a gentle kiss on the baby's head before disappearing away from the cockpit and into the quiet room of the child.

Once you lulled the child to sleep with sweet nothings, you returned to the cockpit where your Mandalorian sat, and went beside him in the passenger seat.

"Din, you scared the baby earlier," your voice was soft as he turned his helmet an inch before returning his gaze to the steering device.

"I'm sorry," his voice was rough, you could hear the twinge of anger in his voice.

You rested a gentle hand on his knee.

"What's wrong?" you asked knowingly.

"I lost the bounty. He slipped right past my fingers and escaped on a cruiser," he said.

You could feel his rage burning off him through the force, it's red hot signature battling against your cool blue one.

"We can still get him, you know, you're the best bounty hunter out there," you coaxed as you rubbed his knee gently.

"How, Y/N? He's probably already on Tatooine and catching another ship to get out of the system," he groaned.

"I know you can catch a measly bounty, Din, you just need the right motivation," 

With that last comment, you slipped out of your seat and bent down on your knees in front of your partner.

His breath hitched at the sight of you beneath him.

"Cyar'ika, what are you doing?" he asked as you tied your hair back.

"What do you think I'm doing, I'm helping you out with your anger," your eyes glinted mischievously as you eyed the now prominent tent in his fly pants.

"You don't need to do that," he protested as he brought one of his gloved hands to your cheeks and stroked them.

"But I want to, Din," a smile stretched across your face as he sighed.


And at those words of confirmation, you undid his pants and let his leaking cock spring free.

You licked your lips, making sure that Din saw before you put your hand on his cock and stroked it slowly.

He bucked his hips up in response which earned a giggle from him.

He said nothing but instead spread his legs further apart giving you more room.

 You inched closer to his aching cock and took your finger and gently gathered some of his pre-cum and swiped it across your lips.

"Maker," you heard his modulated voice rasp out.

You tilted your head upward, making sure his helmet followed your actions as you licked his pre-cum off your lips.

You gave his dick one last stroke before you bent your head down and pressed your lips to the tip.

"Stop teasing, Y/N," Din warned, his voice not hiding his impatience.

You gave him one last smirk before wrapping your lips around his cock making him suck in a breath.

His hand went immediately to your hair as he let out a blissful sigh.

"Such a good mouth,"

You sucked softly, simply wanting to taste him at first before you took him deeper in your mouth.

You took as much as him as you could, fighting off your gag reflex so that you could please him.

"Mesh'la," he moaned as his grip on your hair tightened when your cheeks hollowed.

You started sucking harder, bobbing your head up and down on his cock, eyes never leaving his helmet.

"Fuck you're so good for me," his words of praise shooting straight to your heat.

Your tongue continued to swirl along his dick as you felt your eyes prick with tears.

"I'm close," he pushed your head closer to his cock as you sucked like someone famished.

"My cyar'ika," he panted, his gloved fingers massaged your jaw and swiped away at your stray tears.

A moment later you felt his cum come down your throat.

You waited until every last drop of cum was down your throat before you went off of him with a large pop.

You licked your lips and wiped your eyes while Din zipped up his pants.

You rested your head on his thigh and watched him with a dazed smile.

"How do you feel?" you questioned as his helmet tilted down at you with admiration.

"Good," he responded.

"Great, so let's get that bounty!" you said as he shook his head slowly making you arch your eyebrows.

He bent down and lifted you up and placed you over his lap.

"Before that, I have some things I need to do to you," his gloved fingers trailed down your waist to your ass.

A smile stretched across your face as you put your hands on his chest.

"I'm looking forward to it,"

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