din djarin- family ties

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summary: you get hurt in battle and din takes care of you

din x gn!reader

warnings: cursing

*edited as of 3/29/22

You didn't even know how you had ended up in the midst of this battle.

It was your fault really.

You had told the Mandalorian that you could handle it. That you weren't a little kid and that you didn't need him to be your babysitter.

You wanted to prove yourself to him.

Din was always taking good care of you and Grogu and you just wanted to protect him for once.

So you had agreed to go with him on a bounty and now things were messy.

You stood behind a barrier as loud shots rang through the warm Tatooine night.

Din was on his knees as he placed his blaster against the barrier, firing every so often.

You followed suit, trying to aim at the snarling Twi'lek whose blast only two moments ago almost hit you in the face.

"We're outnumbered," you shouted over the roar of blasts.

"Fuck," you heard Din mumble from your side.

You took a quick glance at him and his armor looked beautiful under the pale moonlight. One of his hands held the barrier tight making his muscled arms flex.

He was beautiful.

There was no other way to describe Din Djarin.

When he had hired you to care for Grogu he had treated you like family.

Even though he was a man of few words you could tell that he cared for you just like you'd grown to care and love him.

"You stay here," Din turned his helmet towards you, his voice gruff.

"What no! What are you doing?" you questioned, your eyebrows furrowing with confusion.

"Just stay here I can't risk you getting hurt, Y/N," Din said as more explosions filled the silence.

Your heart beat fast as his words as his helmet faced you one more time.

"Please stay here," he urged once more as he disappeared behind the barrier with his long cape swishing behind him.

You heard shouting and more gunshots as you felt a chill go down your spine despite the humid weather.

Then a loud blood-curdling scream rang through the night making a rush of panic flow through your body.

You should've trusted that Din was okay. He was after all a very skilled Mandalorian that was feared in the galaxy.

You should've known that stepping out in the middle of a fight was a death sentence.

But you still went out anyways, looking around for any sign of Din.

You saw the crazed Twi'lek stare at you, an evil gleam in his eyes making your heart hammer in your chest.

The other enemies turned their attention over to you and raised their guns at you.

"Shit," you mumbled as shots were fired and you darted across the sand.

Red blasts landed beside you but didn't manage to hit you as your eyes scoured the scene for any sight of Din.

"Y/N!" you heard Din's raspy voice making you pause, your heart swelling in joy.

From across the field, you could see Din in his armor, no doubt pissed off at you for ignoring what he said.

Suddenly you felt pain in your body and you felt weak.

"Y/N!" Din screamed, his voice clearly horrified.

Your vision blurred as you stumbled and hit the sand.

Fuck I definitely got hit you thought.

Your eyelids felt heavy and the last thing you heard was the sound of gunshots in the distance.


Your eyes snapped open and you were greeted by the familiar environment of the Razor Crest.

You looked down and noticed Grogu sleeping on your chest, one of his little hands holding on tight to your shirt.

Your heart warmed at the sight as you bent down and pressed a small kiss on his forehead.

That's when you realized that you were in Din's cot.

Din fucking Djarin let you have his cot.

You felt your entire body heat up at the thought.

Carefully you pulled the wool blanket that encased you in warmth off of you exposing the wound on your leg.

It was all bandaged up but you could still feel the sting.

Suddenly you heard the sound of cooing.

"Hi sweetheart," you smiled as you looked down into Grogu's big brown eyes.

He jumped into your arms and you wrapped yours around him.

"I'm okay, baby," you mumbled into his neck.

At the sounds of the heavy footsteps coming from the cockpit, you placed Grogu in your lap.

Din entered the room, his helmet facing you.

"Are you okay?" his voice was full of concern.

"Yeah, thank you for fixing me up," you offered him a small smile before he grabbed a chair and brought it near the cot.

You could feel his helmeted gaze as he sat down.

"What you did was reckless Y/N, you could've been killed," he scolded making you drop your head in shame.

The baby in your lap's ears drooped in sadness.

"I just wanted to be of use," you mumbled making Din's helmet snap up.

"What?" he rasped.

"You're always protecting us and I just wanted to do the same because...god Din I care for you and I was scared...I'm always scared when you risk your life for me," you blurted out.

The Mandalorian's posture changed entirely as he stood up and brought his gloved fingers to your cheek.

"You're always helping out, Y/N, you're always taking care of me and Grogu making sure that we eat. Not to mention all of the work you do on the ship fixing the shit I break," he used his fingers to swipe at the tear that slipped down your cheek.

"Don't cry," his tone was gentle.

"You're too good for me, Din," you whispered as you brought one of your hands to his beskar cheek.

Underneath his mask, Din was a blushing mess.

He had been in love with you for quite a while and you calling yourself useless physically hurt him.

"No, you're too good for me, cyar'ika. Please stop talking like that," he pressed his helmet to your forehead making your heart stop.

You were so in love with him. Whenever he used Mando'a you always found yourself endeared by it.

Grogu cooed in your lap as if agreeing with his father.

You let out a small laugh at that and lifted the baby in your arms and planted a kiss on his head.

Din couldn't help but smile under his helmet.

He adored his family and he would do everything for them.

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