obi-wan- sweet dreams

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summary: you have a nightmare and obi-wan is there for you

obi-wan x gn!reader

warnings: gorey details

word count: 1264

written 8/13/22


Your body tossed and turned as beads of sweat trickled down your forehead.

You were having a nightmare that was one of the worst you've ever encountered.

The Jedi temple was in front of you in flames.

A path of dead Jedi filled your vision as you felt your heart hammer in your chest.

You could see Master Plo Koon, his head severed from his marred body. Master Yoda, his eyes gouged out and bloody patches decorating his robes.

Suddenly a bright light sparked inside the temple before disappearing promptly.

You followed the trail of dead Jedi inside of the temple as you felt your pulse quicken at how silent the usually livid place was. The only sound you could hear was the sound of a cool, ominous air drifting in.

"Y/N," a sing-song voice said as you swung your head around in the direction of the voice.

Now dead younglings instead of older Jedi filled the path as you swallowed bile at how they were brutally slaughtered.

Unexpectedly everything disappeared.

The children, the flames, the pools of blood.

Everything was gone in a dark cloud.

A menacing laugh filled the air making your heart stop.

You were horrified as you looked in front of you to see your friend, Anakin in a dark cloak holding up his master in one hand and your former master, Aayla Secura in the other.

Distress filled your system as Anakin's lips turned up in a twisted grin.

"Choose one and the other dies," your friend's voice was warped with darkness.

"Anakin I-" your eyes flicked over to each of the Jedi.

Aayla had bruises all over her face, her body stained with blood.

Obi-Wan was in a similar condition, he was in an unconscious state like your master and his cheeks were painted with scars.

"You have to choose. Either your old master who is like a mother to you or the man you love," Anakin looked absolutely evil with a sinister smirk that graced his face.

Your whole body shook with fear as you stared at each of the Jedi whom you loved.

There was no way you could choose.

"You took too long," Anakin's voice was monotone, his eyes glowing yellow for a moment before two red lightsabers pierced into both of the Jedi's abdomen.

You let out a blood-curdling scream as their bodies crumbled onto the floor.

You awoke at that moment, sweat dripping from you and your chest heaving up and down.

Your eyes were wide with horror as the nightmare replayed in your head.

Suddenly the door to your room swung open and there stood Obi-Wan.

You could see his copper hair falling over his face from the moonlight that illuminated him. His eyes were tired, and he was dressed in a night shirt and pants.

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