din djarin- caretaker pt. 2

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Imagine The Mandalorian taking you back to Earth. You are so overwhelmed with emotions that you cry. He comforts you.

It was early in the morning and you had just woken up Grogu who had immediately suppressed a cry of annoyance. You had just put him in his high chair and were now feeding him some porridge.

Din Djarin awoke not long after that and paused in the doorway that led to the tiny dining room to admire your beauty.

"Good morning, Y/N," the Mandalorian cleared his throat after a moment.

"Morning, Din, do you want me to prepare breakfast for you?" you asked after spoon-feeding "The Child" and looking at him with a warm smile.

The Mandalorian shivered, he liked it when you said his name.

"No, it's alright, I was just going to tell you what we are going to be doing today," he poured coffee into a bright yellow cup. 

You turned around to face "The Child" in respect to the Mandalorian's privacy.

While he drank his coffee, Din studied you. How beautiful you looked when the sun was shining on you. How you had kind, intelligent eyes. Plump pink lips he dreamed of kissing. The way you smiled lovingly at "The Child".

Once he was done with his coffee, he slipped his helmet back on.

"So, Y/N...I've decided that we will visit your home planet, Earth,"

You gasped and a grin formed on your face.

"Really, you would do that for me?" tears filled your eyes.

His heart swelled. "Yes, we are going after "The Child" finishes his breakfast, if you're ready, of course," he replied with respect.

"Yes, I am," you stared at him from his mask. 


You picked up a small, black, leather backpack and slung it over your shoulder. You packed a bottled water bottle, some snacks, a notepad, and some of the old dollars you had from a long time ago. You hoped the dollars were still the same.

You met Din and the baby on his ship.

"Buckle your seatbelts," Din said.

You buckled yourself and "The Child's" seatbelt.

You couldn't believe that Din was being so caring towards you. He was taking you to your old planet, your home!

When "The Child" finally fell asleep after a couple of hours you decided to talk to Din.

"Hey, Din, thank you so much for taking me over here, it means a lot to me," you gave him a shy smile.

He turned back to you and gave a small nod then returned to driving.


"Y/N, it's time to wake up, we're here," Din nudged you slightly waking you up.

You rubbed your eyes gently.

"How long was I asleep for?" you yawned then stretched your arms.

"About 9-10 hours,"

"Din! Oh my God, you could've woken me up or something, you were driving for like 2 days without sleeping," you gasped.

"It's okay, it was on autopilot most of the time," Din lied. He was extremely exhausted.

"Here, rest for a few hours," you tossed Din a fuzzy gray blanket.

"No it's fine-"

"SHHH!" you cut him off.

Din fell fast asleep.

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