luke- paper rings

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It's a cold night for you and you suddenly want to do something crazy with Luke.

I'd recommend listening to the song Paper Rings by Taylor Swift above!

*edited as of 3/3/22

luke skywalker x gn!reader

Being stationed in Hoth was very difficult for you. It was way too cold making you have to bundle up making it difficult for you to move around.

You sat inside your quarters on your bed wrapped up in your velvet blanket while you read a book. Even with the thick blanket, you were still freezing.

Your boyfriend Luke burst through the door making you jump up.

"Geez, Lucas you scared me," you stared at your blonde-haired boyfriend who looked extremely happy to see you.

"Nice to see you too, Y/N," Luke laughed as he plopped down on your bed and moved closer to you and placed his hands on your waist, and pulled you close to his chest.

"Well, that's goodbye to reading," you said as you placed your book on the nightstand next to you and then wrapped your arms around Luke.

He gave you the lightest kiss on your forehead making you give an embarrassed smile.

Your skin tingled from where his lips had just laid on you. 

Luke's kisses still made you dizzy. Even the sight of his beautiful form made your hands clammy. You would feel all the heat rush to your face. Luke was always on your mind. He was just that angelic.

He placed his palm on your cheek and stroked it gently.

His ocean blue eyes stared down at you and a small smile formed on his face.

"I like being like this with you," Luke said as he continued to stroke your cheek.

"Me too, I wish we could stay like this forever. Eternally wrapped around each other," you whispered making him laugh and his cheeks glow pink.

His warm breath fell onto your face making you feel warmer in the cold.

An idea shot through your head as you sprung upward from your bed making your ditzy-eyed boyfriend yelp as he slowly got up.

"What happened are you okay Y/N?" he asked his eyebrows furrowing.

"Want to do something crazy?" you looked at him with a sly grin on his face.

"With you of course. To the stars and long as it isn't illegal," he gave you a toothy smile as you snorted.

"It's not illegal however it will involve getting cold," you said as you poked your boyfriend bringing goosebumps to his skin.

"Well let's get the coats," he rushed over to your shared closet and pulled out two large puffy coats, and tossed one over to you.

"And we can't forget your beanie it looks adorable on you!" Luke spoke excitedly as he got out a knitted beanie from a box and threw it at you.

You placed it on your head as you zipped up your coat.

Luke finished at the same time and grabbed your hand and you both exited your quarters.

It was almost empty on the base with everyone getting ready for bed.

You both grasped each other's hands as you exited the base and were greeted by a particularly cold gust of air making you both gasp.

"So what did you want to do?" Luke asked as he placed his earmuffs over his ears and stepped into the beautiful white snow.

"Dance," you said simply as you took your phone out and put on a slow song called mirrorball.

Luke smiled at you as you put your arms around his neck and swayed.

"I adore slow songs," you muttered after a few minutes as you squished your cheek onto his chest. 

You could feel Luke's heart racing.

The music was soft as the white snow gently fell on both of you. It seemed as if both of you were the only two people alive and that this was all made for you.

"I adore you," he whispered as he rubbed circles on your coat.

"God I could marry you with paper rings," you spun in a circle as he pulled you back to his chest.

"You would?" his face broke out into a wide smile making your heart burst.

"Of course, I love you so much," you looked up at your boyfriend through your lashes.

"I love you too my angel," he said as he kissed your beanie.

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