din djarin- nightmare

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summary: din has a bad dream so you comfort him

din djarin x gn!reader

warnings: none

word count: 803

written: 10/12/22


He couldn't run. He was trapped. His hands were bound, and a bright red pulse of light flew towards him, inching closer and closer to his face. Din Djarin had finally met his fate. But that wasn't what he was worried about – you were the only thing on his mind. And he couldn't save you. That is until he awoke with a jolt. Din lifted himself up with his forearms, his bare chest glistening with sweat.

That nightmare had been a little too realistic for his liking. A spot of bright red in his gaze was still visible, fading as he breathed heavily.

He rolled onto his side and let out a deep sigh of relief. You were okay. You were here, next to him. Your hair was still damp, a few strands falling onto your forehead or on the side of your face. Your soft lids were still closed over your hazel eyes. Your breathing was still steady. You were okay. You. Were. Okay.

There you were, with your mouth slightly agape in sleep. You held the covers tightly to your chest, gathering their warmth.

But in his mind...

A stream of blood gushed onto your previously untainted face, painting it a dark red color. The color of death. You were still beautiful to him – you always would be – but this time, it was ghastly. You were the kind of serene beauty he did not want to glimpse, because he knew it meant the end of you. Your body was limp on the rough cobblestone next to him, both of your arms bent in unnatural directions. Grogu had his tiny hands over your figure, tears leaking from his dark, innocent eyes.

He turned to rest his legs on the carpeted floor next to the bed, elbows placed on his thighs. He rubbed his hands over his face, digging his palms into his eyes. Anything to get that image - the one that is not real, he had to keep reminding himself - of you out of his head.

He stood up from the bed and retreated from your room into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter, running a hand through his curly chestnut locks violently, trying to ignore the tears pooling in his eyes.

Din was usually good at controlling his emotions – or at least masking them – but whenever it was about you, he never knew what to do.

"Kriff!" he cursed as a few stray droplets slipped down his cheeks.


He immediately swept his hand over his eyes as you stared at him with half-awake, confused eyes.

"Go back to sleep, sweetheart," Din said as you walked up to him and placed your head in the crook of his neck, your arms wrapping around his waist.

You immediately felt him shake against you.

You pulled away from him and set your hands on his shoulders.

"What's wrong, my love?"

As soon as the words left your mouth, he couldn't hold it in. His sobs overwhelmed him, tears streaming down his face.

Your eyes widened, as you instantly embraced him, trying to get as close to him as possible. You placed a comforting hand on the small of his back, whispering calmingly "It's okay. It's okay."

You had never seen Din act this way and it brought tears to your eyes to see him in this state.

Your hands moved in circular patterns on his bare back, trying to comfort him.

His cries subsided after a few minutes and turned into quiet whimpers.

"Mesh'la... my dream it was just so vivid... you–" a sob choked him and cut off his words as the image of you sprawled on the ground, motionless, appeared in his mind again.

"Din, it's not real. It's never going to happen," you brought your hands to his face and carefully caressed it as he melted into your touch.

"But..." his dark eyes, wet with emotion, raised to meet yours.

"But nothing. I'm right in front of you. And your son is sleeping in his room," you reassured him, your fingers tracing the slope of his nose making his eyes close out of bliss.

Din opened his eyes and looked down at you for a moment.

He brought his lips down to your forehead.

You took one of his hands and led him back into your shared bedroom.

You gently pushed him back against the mattress and slid the covers over his bare chest, joining him a moment later.

You immediately snuggled close to him as he on instinct wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer.

The warmth of his chest lulled you to sleep as your eyes fluttered closed.

Din kissed your head once more and squeezed you closer to him.

"Thank you, mesh'la," he whispered before he followed in your steps and drifted off to sleep.

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