hux- long drunk nights

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Hey, y'all today is my birthday! I had a shit ton of food today and a lot of warmth but I also had a test. Overall it was a pretty good day. The gap between birthdays feels so long sometimes. Anyways I hope you all enjoy the writing!

It had been your first night out in a while since you were constantly swamped with work from the First Order. You barely had time to get some fresh air and now here you were at a huge party hosted by a couple of your friends who always somehow found time to host parties.

When you first arrived at the party you were greeted by flashing bright multicolored lights that made you shut your eyes as you trudged through the brewing crowd of people to find your friends.

"Y/N!" you heard your friend Layla call you as she waved smiling widely.

Her long black hair was messy and she was dressed in a short form-fitting green dress.

She was seated on a bright red couch next to a very serious-looking man with piercing green eyes you didn't recognize.

Probably some hookup you thought as you sat beside her and she flung her arms around your neck.

"Jeez okay clingy," you said as you patted her back awkwardly as she let out a loud giggle.

"Y/N you're finally at one of my parties!" she slurred as she looked towards the wooden table in front of her and grabbed a beer bottle and handed it to you.

"Lay I'm not gonna get drunk right now especially when you're completely stoned," you scolded your friend who pouted and you rolled your eyes.

"C'mon Y/N I'll be okay especially since I have Marco over here," the beautiful girl grabbed the man next to her's hand and placed it in hers.

You narrowed your eyes at the man. He looked nervous under your serious stare.

"Do you have her?" you asked the man.

"Yes I promise I'll take good care of her," he said his voice slightly wavering at your intense stare.

He seemed honest enough to you.

"Fine, Layla," you said as you snatched the full beer bottle and took a swig.

After an hour you were completely drunk and were dancing around wildly with the beer bottle still within your grasp.

At that moment General Hux entered the party in a slick black suit with a matching black bow tie. 

Like you it was his first night out in a while and he wanted to let loose.

He heard glass shatter and immediately his eyes went onto you as you stared at the broken glass that was once your beer bottle had gotten on the dance floor.

"Oops," you laughed loudly as the people around you stared at you like you were crazy.

Hux smiled at the sight of your form.

He had always had a soft spot for you and he never knew why.

You were extremely attractive and you had a great personality.

He had always seen you in a very refined way doing your work with your pencil grazing your lips and your eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Now you were extremely loose and having the time of your life without a care in the world.

Suddenly a scream rang through the night and everyone's eyes stared upon a man who was breathing heavily and staring at his foot which was turning bloody.

"WHO FUCKING DROPPED GLASS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING DANCE FLOOR!?" the man's eyes glowed a dangerous red as you looked shyly offsides while everyone looked at you.

The man's pupils dilated.

"You little bitch," the man growled at you as he trudged towards you while you didn't move.

Hux angrily stepped towards the man and pushed his chest back.

The man's anger quickly slipped away as he offered a weak smile to Hux.

"General Hux, what are you doing at the party?" the man let out an awkward chuckle as he stared at his redhead superior.

"Enjoying myself now get lost before you ruin my mood," Hux looked at his inferior with disgust as the man backed away.

You tapped his shoulder.

"You know I don't need anyone to save me, superman," you slurred as you almost fell but Hux caught you with his strong arms pulling you to his chest as his face went as red as his hair.

You turned around to look at his face and then smirked.

"Oh look I made the hot general blush," you clapped your hands as Hux's heart beat rapidly.

"Dear let's get you to bed," the general's voice was soft as he stared at your disheveled form which was decorated with your wide smile.

"Oh come on you're no fun," you repeated Layla's words as you stamped your foot like a child making Hux bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.

Hux led you outside of the party and into the apartment area.

You felt so light-headed and your vision blurred as you walked.

Too many drinks you thought. 

"Can I have your key, Y/N?" Hux asked as he stopped at your quarters. He was a few rooms down and knew where you were.

You fumbled in your bag and pulled out your keys.

"Here they are!" you wiggled them once before tossing it over to Hux how unlocked the door and entered your quarters.

They were lit up by a single light.

"Take me to bed, Huxy, hey that rhymes with sexy which makes sense!" you giggled.

"You are drunk out of your mind, darling because that does not sound like it rhymes," he laughed as you pulled him over to your bedroom.

Your folded pajamas sat on your dresser nicely and you grabbed them.

"No looking, general," you said making him turn around as he did what he was told.

He suddenly felt sweaty at the thought that you were changing behind him. He wanted to sneak a glance so bad but didn't.

"All done, Hux now tuck me in!" you jumped under the covers and grinned up at him.

"When it's just the two of us you can call me Armitage...I don't know the next time that we'll be like this just the two of us," his voice was soft as he stared down at your stoned form.

"Trust me I'm hoping for another one of these times because you're hot and I like you," you blurted out and then slapped your hand over your mouth as Hux's blue eyes stared down at you.

"Really?" he asked a grin forming on his pale face.

"Well yeah," you said honestly as you let out a big yawn.

"I know you're tired my dear so I'll leave you alone now," Armitage spoke gently as he stroked your face and your eyes started closing.

"No please stay," you grabbed his arm and tried to make your eyes bigger.

Looking at your form Hux could not resist as he went under the covers next to you still dressed up in his suit.

You turned to your side so that you were facing him and cuddled to his chest.

"You look really hot in that suit," you mumbled as you slipped off into sleep leaving Hux's cheeks glowing but a smile nonetheless on his face.

"Goodnight, Y/N," he kissed your forehead before he too closed his eyes.

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