where he likes to kiss you

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HI GUYS! How do we feel about Red Taylor's Version? I love it so much guys it's insane. Her vault tracks are such a gift. My favorite is probably Message in a Bottle. Also the ten-minute version of All too Well oh my god. When she says fuck the patriarchy I collapsed. And the short film was amazing. Sadie and Dylan were so good and had amazing chemistry they were outstanding. Sometimes I get a little distracted when talking about Taylor Swift. Anyways enjoy!


Loves to kiss your hands because he's old-fashioned. He loves to see you get all flustered when he does it and watch goosebumps form on your arms.


Han loves your lips. He especially loves when you're talking and then interrupts you by kissing your beautiful lips. He is addicted to them and loves the make-out sessions that come from them.


This man adores giving you nose kisses. Whenever you greet him you both always hug each other. When his arms are wrapped securely around you he always plants a big kiss on your nose and then follows by doing small pecks.


Poe is very quick and likes to kiss you on the cheek. Usually, before he has to leave to go on a mission he is always quickly kissing your cheek. He always smirks at you before running over to his ship. He adores your cheeks so much. 


He loves to kiss your forehead. Whenever he comes back from work angry you always come up to him and hug him and he always lets out a sigh of relief before putting his chin over your head and wrapping his arms around your body and slowly swaying. After a few minutes of this he bends down to kiss your forehead which also results in you having the biggest smile which he would do anything to see.


Your neck. Hux is obsessed with your neck. Not in a creepy way...well maybe a creepy way. He loves to kiss you there and leave marks for everyone to see. He is extremely possessive and wants everyone to know that you are his.

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