ben solo- captured

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This is after TROS and yes, there is definitely a different ending.

Also just saw Disney Pixar's Onward and it's so cute. It's lowkey like Frozen but on crack.

Language alert and stabbing.

Imagine being captured by some bad men, you are hurt by them, then your husband, Ben Solo comes to rescue you.

You woke up with a bright light in your face. 

"Ben?" you mumbled sleepily.

"She's finally awake Jesus Christ she slept for so long we should've woke her up, boss!" someone with a gruff manly voice indignantly said.

"No, no, no, we'll let the pretty woman rest" a slick velvety voice said in a calm manner.

Your eyes fluttered then you rubbed your eyes slowly.

"Where am I?" you muttered. You tried to move but your wrists were bound by ropes to the chair you were sitting on. 

"What the fuck," you mumbled as you looked around at your surroundings. You seemed to be in a dark room with one light that flickered. Burly, tough men crossed their arms.

"Darling, Y/N we have kidnapped you and will kill you if your husband doesn't come!" the man with the velvety voice cheerfully stated. He clapped in a very sarcastic manner. He had slicked-back blonde hair, cold turquoise eyes, and wore a coal black suit and a strawberry red tie. He had circular black-rimmed glasses that gave him a Harry Potter vibe.

"What?" your lip trembled. The man bent down to your level until he was inches away from your face. He was so close that if your husband was here he would beat the shit out of him.

"If your husband doesn't come, my dear, we will kill you, but before that, you will be a toy to us, for our pleasure," his breath tickled your face making you shiver. Fear consumed your entire body. 

He stood up a moment later with a smirk on his face.

The burly men in the room chuckled evilly.

You whimpered and you were uncomfortable however you didn't want to show that you were weak.

You couldn't help the hot tears streaming down your face. 

"You won't get away with this you monsters, my husband will come, I just know it," your muscles were tense and your jaw was clenched tightly.

The blond-haired man gripped your chin hard that you could feel that a bruise would form later.

"It's been hours, darling and your husband hasn't come, we might as well have the fun now, boys," he grinned like a wolf then started to laugh.

His hand was still on your chin as he smashed his lips against yours. You let out a moan of displeasure. You kept your lips sealed together. Your body shook as more tears streamed down your face onto his nose.

His lips found your jaw and he kissed down to your neck. Right when he was about to take off your shirt you jerked back making him pull away.

 He scowled. His fists were clenched. Then he slapped you leaving a red hand mark on your face. Then he punched your lip causing a stream of blood to ooze out from your lip.

You whimpered loudly. "Oww!" you howled in pain.

"This woman won't kiss me back, punish her until she complies with my requests, chop chop, men," he motioned to all the well built men in the back.

The burly men in the back cracked their knuckles and then came to your chair. They started yanking at your hair and jabbing at your skin causing bruises to form. They also punched you all across your body.

Blood poured down your body to the floor. It splattered across the men's faces. They all smiled and laughed at your pain.

Your screams pierced the air.

"Stop, please...I beg you!" you begged as your eyes were bloodshot from crying.

They ignored your pleas and continued to abuse you.

You heard a door slam open.

"LET HER GO RIGHT NOW!" an angry voice that belonged to your husband roared.

"Ah, Benjamin, Solo, how lovely of you to join us, your beautiful wife here was just having a great time with us," the blond man blithely said.

You heard Ben's lightsaber turn on.


"No!" the blond man stated angrily.

You heard the lightsaber swinging. You also heard the burly men groaning.

You saw the familiar blue gleam of Ben's lightsaber. You felt instantly comforted by the sight of it.

He wore a white athletic shirt with black athletic pants. He wore a grim expression on his face when he saw you.

"Sweetie, I'm here ok, you just need to stay with me, can you do that?" he asked then kissed your forehead while cupping your face in his hands. You closed your eyes. You felt safe. He stroked your face where you had been injured. You opened your eyes and smiled at your husband.

"LOOK OUT!" you screamed as the blond man had a knife in his hand and stabbed Ben. 

Ben groaned loudly. You saw blood starting to form in his abdomen area.

"BEN!" you shrieked as his blood dripped on the floor. It mixed with yours. He still gripped his lightsaber, however. He swung it around and then the blond man was left headless.

Ben then limped towards you touching the area where he was stabbed. He released you from your bounds.

Your wrists were bright red from the ropes.

Then you hugged him. He couldn't hug you back since he was too wounded.  You wanted to kiss him but you could tell that he didn't have much energy left in his body.

"Ben baby, your hurt!" you sobbed as you put his arm around your shoulder to help him start walking.

"It's fine, Y/N, all that matters is that your safe, just help me get to the hospital, after the nurses take me, you have to go get a checkup as well," he said panting after each step he took.

"Thank you for saving me, my love," You said as you continued to walk.

"Your welcome, my beloved," he said. "And if anyone, anyone attacks you again I will slit their throats with no mercy whatsoever,"

"That's a bit graphic but for your bravery, you will get your reward later, after you are fully rested and healed," you teased. "And no I am not talking about cookies for a reward, I am talking about a reward in the bedroom," you whispered in his ear.

You saw Ben's eyes light up.

"I think I'm well-rested" he managed to get out since he was panting.

"Baby, you just got stabbed," you frowned at him.


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