who else likes you

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everyone x gn!reader

*edited as of 7/21/22


Luke also has a crush on you but Han got to you before he could. He didn't really know how to process his feelings at first but then he accepted that he liked you. Luke loves the way your eyes sparkle when you are interested in something. He loves how witty you are. Luke can't help but feel slightly jealous when the two of you are smooching in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone.


 Han had a slight crush on you and kept pestering you on dates which you immediately refused. He liked that there was a mischievous glint in your eyes when you were planning something that would end up dirty. He admired your determination to always help others in times of need. He eventually moved on with Leia but he still always thought of what it could've been like if the two of you had dated.


Finn has a secret crush on you that only Rey knows about. He always blushes when you're around because you tend to have that effect on people. Poe is aware of Finn's crush on you but doesn't mind because Finn respects that you and Poe are a couple. And Poe knows that you'll be faithful to him. 


Poe's "crush" isn't really a crush. He just always really likes to flirt with everyone. "How you doing beautiful?" he'd ask. Or "What are you doing tonight hot stuff?" Questions like that you were completely fine with. You knew that sometimes he'd become overprotective. However, one time, before you and Finn were dating, Poe had asked you if you wanted to spend the night in his quarters. You had accepted and it was a wild ride.


Hux was a womanizer and you knew it so you stayed far away from him. Even though you tried to stay away, he basically stalked you and was a very creepy person. He left you notes under your door about how beautiful and strong you were. Everyone around the base always gossiped about his psycho obsession with you. 

When Kylo found out about the general's obsession with you he was furious. Kylo always wanted to kill the General for his stalking and obsessive mannerisms but never did for your sake. But Kylo always had you where he could see you. It was his form of protection and you felt safe with his eyes on you.


 Kylo was your best friend to who you told everything so he couldn't help but fall in love with you. Whenever you hung out with Kylo, Hux would get jealous because he thought that you were cheating on him. You told him that he was just your friend. You hoped that Kylo thought that the two of you would always be friends. However, one day he admitted that he liked you which completely shocked you because you and Kylo were friends for a long time. You told Hux about his crush on you and he had a temper tantrum about it. 

"You can no longer be friends with him, Y/N," he said, his tongue dripping with malice.

He was really angry that day and so were you.

"I can choose my own friends, Armitage. And when I tell you that I'd never do anything with him you just need to trust me," you spat back angrily.

The two of you had a huge argument about it until he finally agreed that it was fine for you two to be friends. That started his huge hatred for Kylo though.

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