din djarin- every dead-end street led you straight to me (smut)

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summary: din comes back from a trip so you show him how much you love him

din djarin x fem! reader

inspired by taylor swift's new song: all of the girls you've loved before!

warnings: smut, cursing

word count: 1703

written: 3/22/23


It had been about a week since Din Djarin had left you alone on the Razorcrest to tend to the green child you had both grown to love while he had an important bounty to deliver.

It had been two years since you started working for Din and a year since the two of you had recognized your feelings for each other and gotten together.

When you first started working for him, Din had been cold and distant towards you, only talking to you when it seemed necessary. His feelings slowly changed when he started noticing the little things that you would do for him and Grogu. In return, he started to exchange the favor by offering you little trinkets from the planets you'd visit.

One day this cycle of returning gifts and hiding your affection for each other ended when you almost got killed one day and Din saved your life.

You had been on the run from the empire when suddenly Grogu slipped out of your arms squealing while an Imperial officer scrambled to retrieve him.

As if it were instinct you immediately ran back to get him, shoving the officer aside before snatching the crying baby back into your arms.

The officer yelped before whipping out his gun and aiming it at you.

"Stop shooting at him and start shooting at the girl!" the burly officer had barked as the stormtroopers behind him turned their weapons on you and started firing powerful shots at you that you luckily dodged.

You ran back to a screaming Din who took your hand in his and rushed back to your ship.

Bullets blazed fast the both of you as you felt your heart hammering hard in your chest from the adrenaline flowing through your blood.

Once your ship was flying high into the sky away from Imperial activity, the Mandalorian had started towards you angrily, his gloved fingers on his helmet.

Grogu had cooed nervously in your lap, looking up at you with scared big eyes while you braced yourself for Din's words.

"How could you let yourself be so careless? You almost got yourself killed!" his voice was laced with bitterness.

Despite not being able to see him, you could practically feel his gaze burn onto you.

"I'm sorry but I had to save him," your voice was small as you let the shivering child down and watched him waddle away back to his cradle.

"I cannot believe you would ever do that! So many of those bullets could've caught you,"

"I had to save him because if I didn't I would never be able to forgive myself," your eyes were full of tears threatening to spill over your cheeks as you stared at your own reflection from his helmet.

Your shaking hands were pressed tightly over your chest as you stared at the floor.

The atmosphere around the both of you was tense and heavy, an uncomfortable silence hanging over the two of you.

Din sighed, his breath coming out modulated as he bent down to your level.

"Oh don't cry mesh'la," his voice was soft as he lifted up a hand and grazed it over your cheeks.

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