things they like that you do

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Have you guys seen Adam Driver's return on SNL and his new Kylo Ren Undercover Boss episode thingy? It's as funny as the first one. Should I make an imagine for that? Lemme know if you want it and I'll do it. Adam is literally so adorable. I love him :)


When you have your hair up in different styles. He loves seeing you in different hairstyles. Luke thinks it's absolutely beautiful. He always plays with your hair after you've had a long day.  He's even learned how to do a French braid to your delight!


When you model new outfits in front of him. He pretends to snap pictures when you model on the "catwalk" (it's your living room). Sometimes you even model lingerie in front of him which turns him on to the next level. 


He likes it when you walk around the Resistance base wearing his signature jacket with pride. It makes his heart happy. There you are sauntering down the whole Resistance in his jacket. Everyone tells you how much better you look in it much to his displeasure even though he agrees.


He likes it when you are on the couch engrossed in a book with a blanket tossed over you. Whenever he sees you like that he always comes over and kisses your forehead. 

"What?" you asked him with a smile.

"You just look adorable when your nose is stuck in a book"

That would warm your heart.


Hux likes it when your barking orders at other officers. You look so intense and your face always turns red like a strawberry when you're upset.

"YOU INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN BEING!" you would roar at some officer scaring them, stamping your foot in dismay. He'd always have a smile on his face. He always gets turned on by that as well...

Kylo Ren-

He likes it when you dress up like him. You would take all his dark clothes or robes and put it on you. It made you look enormous! You also loved his helmet and how your voice would change.

"Look babe, now I sound like a robot!" you laughed into the helmet. He would always shake his head with a smile and gently take it off of your head.

"Babe, I literally love this helmet, for my birthday can you buy me it?" you'd ask him with puppy eyes.

"Of course, my love," he'd chuckle then kiss your forehead.

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