poe- yule ball

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I decided to do this for my love of Harry Potter. Star Wars isn't my only love after all. I'm a Ravenclaw by the way. My Patronus is a Fire dwelling salamander (weird right? but it's rare). And my hybrid house is Slytherclaw in case you wanted to know :)

*edited as of 3/8/22

You sat in the Hogwarts library with the book Hogwarts: A History in your lap. You had lots of homework that day and desperately needed to finish it.

Your friend who was in the same house as you, Mariah nudged you. She had short, straight brown hair up to her shoulders and light violet eyes. She had the prettiest brown skin that glowed. She was easily one of the most beautiful people you've ever seen. And to everyone else. Secretly you were jealous of her, but you'd never tell.

"Hey Y/N," she said in a sing-song voice.

"What?" you asked, your eyes not leaving the book as you sighed with clear annoyance.

"Look who it is!" she teased, nudging your shoulder, instantly quirking your interest.

You snapped your head up and were met by the heavenly sight that was Poe Dameron.

He was a very bright, intelligent, and courageous Gryffindor. And he was older which made him even hotter than he already was. All the girls in every house swooned over him. He was also Gryffindor's star seeker which garnered him a lot of special attention from certain teachers.

He flipped his curly black hair out of his eyes and walked over to a table with his friends, Rey who was a Ravenclaw, and Finn who was a Hufflepuff.

His brown eyes glinted with mirth as he shook Finn's hand.

Clearly distracted, Mariah smacked her thick potions book onto your lap.

"OWW!" you moaned in pain loudly causing the whole library including Poe to stare at you.

"Get a grip, girl!" she said then returned to her homework.

"You little bitch just you wait till-"

Right as you threatened her you noticed the entire library still staring at you. Madam Pince had her eyebrows raised as her eyes glazed over you and Mariah.

"I'm fine," you said to everyone with a slight wave of the hand indicating that it was okay.

Everyone turned back to their work except for Poe whose lips turned up into a smile for a moment before turning his attention onto Rey.

"He smiled at me!" you whispered to Mariah.

"Good grief, maybe I shouldn't have told you he was here," she muttered under her breath.

You shrugged your shoulders.

"I probably would've noticed anyway, I mean it's hard not to hear the dreamy sighs of the 3rd year girls," you motioned to the lovesick Ravenclaw girls on the table beside yours.

"Or YOUR sighs, I mean they're one of the loudest sighs in the room, Jesus Christ," she flipped her curly dark hair over her shoulder dramatically making you cross your arms.

"Don't act like you don't do the exact same thing when Dean Thomas comes around," you countered.

"Hey now, what I have for Dean is very healthy compared to whatever you have-"

"Oh shit, Dameron is coming" you interrupted her and then pretended like you were doing your homework.

Mariah laughed at your nervousness.

"Shut up!" you hissed.

Poe walked up to your table and put his hand on the table, a warm smile on his face.

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