hux- good little girl

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Yesterday I got a new bird named Autumn; she's a beautiful yellow and orange bird (called a sun conure) and she's adorable! She's really scared right now but that's understandable because it's a new house and new people but I'm really excited to make memories with her!

Being General Hux's assistant was a tedious and meticulous job. And in general, being forced into the First Order was not anywhere close to your first job choice. But your salary made up for it.

When you were done with college, your advisors had advised you to enter the First Order. You had initially declined until the First Order had banged on your door to join or they'd kill your family. So you reluctantly agreed.

Even though the First Order's message was harsh you often found yourself curious about it.

You were a very ambitious person and once you joined the First Order you climbed and climbed the ranks and now were General Hux's assistant after hard work.

"Y/N!" an angry voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

You looked up to see a frustrated General Hux looking down on you.

"Oh, do you need something General?" you asked staring up into your superior's sapphire blue eyes.

"Yes actually, I need you to turn in your notes from the last battle with the resistance in an hour,"

Your heart dropped. You had forgotten to do those notes. Usually, you were so on top of your schedule too you didn't know what happened.

"You gave me until tomorrow, General that isn't fair!" you cried as anger bubbled up in your system.

"Watch your tone Y/L/N," Hux snarled as he got close to your face making you glare at him.

The rest of your co-workers stared at you almost with sympathy.

"You will do it immediately and if I don't expect it in an hour you'll be punished," the general said as he turned on his heel to stare at the other workers.

"What are you idiots looking at! You all have work to do so get going!" he barked as he stormed off.

You stuck up your middle finger at his retreating form.

"Fuck you, Hux," you mumbled.

You didn't know how you could bear to put up with him but somehow you did even when it was hard.

You stared at your datapad in front of you and sighed as you started typing away the details of the last battle.

When you felt a tap on your shoulder a few minutes later you felt like you were going to kill whoever was interrupting your work.

As you whipped your head around to scream at this person you were face to face with Kylo Ren.

Your angry aroma disintegrated and you put on a smile.

"Kylo! What are you doing here?" you asked.

You and Kylo were childhood friends introduced to each other by your parents. Your parents were always saying that you two would end up married but you never felt that way about him.

Once you joined the First Order you were so happy to see a familiar face.

"I had some time away from my knights so I thought I'd see you," his voice was robotic from the "threatening" mask he wore.

"That's so nice but I have so much to do right now, Ky because of stupid fucking General Hux," you growled.

"Why am I not surprised that he's the source of your anger," the commander chuckled at your anger.

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