kylo/reader/hux- it's the hard knock life

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A little bit of language in this. And boys being boys.

Imagine being a maid for the First Order. The most beautiful maid on the whole base. Kylo Ren and General Hux can't help but be captivated by your beauty. They argue about who you'll fall in love with and compete for your attention in a very strange way.

You sighed. You looked at the whole entire cafeteria you and your fellow maids had to clean. You put in your earbuds and listened to music to help soothe the anger you felt for these disgusting officers who were extremely messy when it came to eating. Well, it's the hard-knock life you thought. 

You took a spray from your cleaning belt and started spraying the table. You then took a napkin and started wiping the table slowly. 

Little did you know a bunch of officers were watching you clean.

They ignored the other maids because they weren't as pretty as you. They thought you looked beautiful with your (h/c) hair in a tight bun on your head. You wore a short black dress with black tights underneath (the First Order maid uniform). Your shoes were black and vintage Mary Janes. Your lips were a dark red color. You looked so concentrated on cleaning the table.

"Wow she's hot for a cleaning lady," a random lieutenant said. 

"Agreed," a captain admitted. 

"I'll give you twenty bucks if you fuck her within the hour," another officer said.

 "Look at that nice ass of hers," the lieutenant whistled as the other officer nodded in agreement.

"Why are you not working?" an angry voice snarled.

"Commander Ren," the lieutenant saluted. Kylo Ren looked very intimidating with his mask on and his black flowing robes.

"And General Hux," a vexed Hux said. His hands behind his back were clenched into fists. He carried a scowl on his face.

"And General Hux," the lieutenant repeated his cheeks beginning to turn red.

"You haven't answered the question, why are you all not working?" the commander asked harshly now force choking the lieutenant. The lieutenant gasped for breath.

"Now answer it," Hux looked at the rest of the officers. His cold blue eyes staring into all of their souls.

The lieutenant's face started turning blue. 

"Please stop!" the captain said. "We were just staring at the beautiful maid over there," he said pointing to where you were still wiping the tables with your fellow maids. 

Kylo Ren dropped the lieutenant who was coughing vigorously on the floor. 

The general and the commander turned their gaze to you. You were now smiling and dancing while you were wiping the tables. Your fellow maids were joining you throwing their cleaning wipes and spray cans on the floor. You unplugged your earbuds and let the music play all over the cafeteria. 

General Hux's face turned red. He was turned on and he couldn't help it. You were dancing so carefree. He hadn't felt turned on by a woman in a very long time.

Commander Ren was blushing under his mask. He too was also turned on and he never got turned on. He needed you he decided. He gulped. You were just so beautiful. He didn't care that you were a maid. You were just so beautiful.

"General?" the lieutenant asked. Hux snapped out of your trance and shook his head. 

"All of you return to your posts immediately, this is your first offense so you won't be punished, NOW GET OUT," he roared. 

"What do we do about those maids?" Kylo asked Hux while he continued to watch you moving your hips to the music.

"They must be taught a lesson," Hux said simply while he walked over to where you were dancing.

Kylo cleared his throat in a threatening manner.

 One of the maids gasped and tapped on your shoulder. You turned around and stopped dancing immediately. You stopped your music on your device and hung your head in shame. 

"You" Hux pointed at you.

 "Me?" you stuttered.

"Yes, you what is your name?" he scowled. You shivered at that and he immediately felt bad. "Y/N, L/N, General," you said softly.

"Since you instigated this, you will take responsibility for this and clean for extra hours in the main common area, are we clear?"

"Yes, General Hux," you said while staring down at your black Mary Janes.

 "Now the rest of you WILL return to wiping the tables down" Kylo concluded then he and General Hux turned to leave. Their thoughts were on you.


You took a broom and started sweeping the floor of the main common area. You'd never seen the main common area yet. It was full of advanced technology and the sound of chatter filled the air. There were also lots of candy wrappers and empty chip bags on the floor. Typical messy officers, you thought.

You hummed a song. 

"General Hux, what are you staring at?" Commander Ren growled while clenching his fists. Hux was busy looking at your lovely arms.

"Hm?" he asked. 

"Pathetic," Kylo scoffed while crossing his arms. 

"And she'll only fall for me," he continued.

"That's hilarious, she won't fall for a man with a mask on," Hux countered his voice dripping with hate for Kylo.

The moment Hux said that he threw his mask on the floor causing a hard thud on the floor. "Y/N, please pick this up," he said.

The moment you turned to see who was asking you saw Commander Ren without his mask on. He looked extremely handsome with his brown eyes and raven black hair.

"Coming, Commander," you said then quickly went over and gave him his mask. Kylo smiled at you. "Thank you, Y/N,"

You blushed then skittered off to sweep some more. 

Hux's face turned red out of anger. He grabbed a piece of paper from a female officer's desk and crumpled it then dropped it. "Y/N!" he called.

"Yes, General," you also thought that General Hux was attractive as well. When his blue eyes weren't cold they looked beautiful. And his red hair looked sexy.

"Look what Commander Ren dropped on purpose just so you could go pick it up," Hux pointed at the floor. When you bent down to pick up the scrap of paper the two of them looked at your butt. The moment you got up you tossed the piece of paper in the trash.

"Oh, my shift is over!" you said glancing at your wristwatch. 

"Oh," Kylo and Hux simultaneously said looking disappointed.

"Bye, General And Commander," you waved at them. Before they could respond, you whispered "There's no reason to compete for my attention, boys," you quickly skittered off leaving the General and Commander both speechless.

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