*bonus* joel miller (smut)- baby sitter?

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hi guys! i just wanted to post a joel fic i made recently on here because pedro is a part of star wars and i guess that would make it adjacent to the last of us (which by the way I've been loving). anyways enjoy!


summary: sarah's old babysitter comes to visit from graduate school and joel is surprised

warnings: smut, age gap

word count: 2140

written: 1/30/23


Joel Miller stood in the kitchen, his eyebrows furrowed with concentration.

He was determined to get the pancakes in front of him perfect. It was Sarah's birthday and he just wanted to show her how much he appreciated her.

He had just finished making breakfast when his daughter bolted down the stairs.

"Morning dad," she chirped before taking a seat at the breakfast table where Joel had placed a hot syrupy stack of pancakes.

"Morning baby girl, happy birthday," he smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead before taking a seat beside her.

"Pancakes! Thank you so much, dad!" she grinned before she immediately started to pile the pancakes onto her plate.

His gaze was soft as he stared at his little girl that was growing up so fast.

"So what's the plan for today?" she asked with her mouth full.

"Mouth closed, Sarah, and whatever you want," he ruffled her hair and she giggled.

"Thanks so much, dad, well I was thinking-"

Sarah was interrupted by the sound of the loud doorbell that sounded like it needed to be fixed.

The two glanced at each other with confusion.

"Were you expecting someone, Sarah?" Joel questioned, staring at his only daughter.

"No..." she shook her head quizzically.

Joel stood up, rubbing his hands on his jeans before going over to the door and opening it.

When he opened it he was shocked to see you standing there dressed in a pretty white sundress, the bright sun illuminating your beaming face.

"Y/N," he said with surprise.

"Mr. Miller, it's nice to see you. Is Sarah here? I have a present for her," you lifted up a small pink gift bag in your hand.

"Yeah she is, uh...come in," he scratched the back of his head as you came inside eagerly.

"Y/N!" Sarah screamed with joy as she abandoned her breakfast and darted over to you and immediately jumped into your arms.

"Sarah it's so nice to see you! Look at how much you've grown," you took her face in your hands and caressed it, her doe brown eyes gazing adoringly into yours.

You had babysat for Sarah during your gap year and during college, while you were at a university nearby Austin, wanting to earn some money. Then once you were done with college you were accepted into a good Graduate program outside of Texas and rarely visited due to your busy schedule.

Joel stared at you.

He remembered you asking him to read over your college essays and him trying his best to make comments even though your work was exceptional. Hell, he remembered you putting Sarah to bed even though she begged you to stay up and watch tv. You had played an important role in Sarah's development and he appreciated that. And now here you were so mature, hardened from the city life.

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