kylo ren- therapy

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summary: y/n calms down kylo

kylo ren x gn!reader

warnings: none, soft kylo??

word count: 734

written on 8/31/22


Today was your first day off from your duty of being a Commander of the First Order. It had been quite a while since you'd last gotten a day off.

At the moment you lay on the couch, curled up with a good book with your legs warmed up by a furry blanket.

It was a moment of bliss for you as you drank in the literature while taking a sip of the hot cocoa in your mug.

It was nice not having to think about the Resistance even if it was only for a second. They always consumed your mind and no you paid no mind to them as you focused on your book.

At that moment, the door to your quarters slammed open and a hooded Kylo Ren entered with heavy footsteps.

You yelped and tried to leap off the couch but were caught by your feet, tangled by the blanket.

You fell face first onto the floor with a loud "oof."

Once you recovered you found your boyfriend pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

You walked over to him and placed your hands over his tense shoulders.

"Baby what's wrong?" you questioned, as you trailed your hands up to his mask and held it for a second, pressing the buttons on the side.

A hissing sound commenced as you removed his helmet from his face revealing his handsome face.

His black hair was tousled and fell over his angry eyes.

"The First Order thinks that I've gone soft...the Supreme Leader... he laughed at me when I said that I would be able to put an end to the Resistance," his gloved hands turned into fists at his sides as you rubbed circles into his broad shoulders.

"Why don't we sit down?" you took his hand and led him over to the couch as he let out a loud sigh.

You sat down and made yourself comfortable before pulling him down onto the couch.

He brought his head down to your stomach and closed his eyes as you ran a hand through his black locks.

"I think I have actually gotten soft," he muttered before you dropped your head to plant a kiss on his forehead resulting in pink dusting his pale cheeks.

"Kylo Ren, you clearly have not been around the other officers," you let out a laugh.

You saw his eyebrows arch up in confusion.


"They're terrified of you. Whenever you pass by them they always straighten themselves up and they always struggle to address you," you stroked his hair.

His chuckle vibrated against your stomach.

For a moment there was silence but you could still tell that your boyfriend was deep in thought.

"But...the Supreme Leader...he thinks that my rage has been more controlled recently and that my missing rage is the reason that we haven't been able to defeat the resistance...because I'm weak," his voice broke.

You felt angry as you pulled Kylo closer to you.

"The Supreme Leader thinks that you're weak because you aren't having as many temper tantrums? He really is as stupid as Hux says," you scoffed.

"Hux?" Kylo lifted his head for a moment, his brown eyes gazing into yours.

"I always hear him ranting...anyways the Supreme Leader is dumb," you said.

"But he's the most powerful person in the galaxy," Kylo argued.

"Yeah sure but if he was so 'powerful' then how come he rarely comes and sees you, huh? Because he's clearly intimidated by you," you raked your hand through his hair.

He hummed in acknowledgment.

He was always kind to you, always making sure that you were loved and safe, a side the other officers never got to see since whenever he was around them he was painting the walls with lightsaber marks. 

It was a side only reserved for you.

When you first got together with Kylo he would always come to you, angry and distraught and his behavior scared you.  So he worked on his anger with you, all he wanted to do was make you happy and it did.

"What are you thinking about, baby?" you questioned, wrapping your arms around his neck from your sitting position.

"How lucky I am to have you," he pressed a single kiss to your stomach as a smile graced your face.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Kylo," you cradled his face as a genuine smile stretched across his features.

He laid his head back down on your stomach and shut his eyes, drifting off into sleep immediately.

You followed a similar pattern, kissing his lips once before lying your head down against a pillow.

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