poe dameron- skater boy

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He was a boy. She was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious?He was a punk. She did ballet. What more can I say? He wanted her. She'd never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well

 - Avril Lavigne

Imagine Poe having a crush on you while you work at the Resistance but your parents saying that he's bad news and that you should stay away from him.

Poe Dameron waltzed towards you, his curly black hair swirling in the air. Boy did he make your heartstrings move.

 "Hey Y/N," he said in a silky voice while flashing you with one of his flirty grins. You rolled your eyes at him. His brown eyes scanned your face.

 "What do you want Dameron?" you asked while continuing to do your paperwork for General Leia. 

"What do you think about going on a date on my X-wing?" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

Boy did you want to accept that offer but then you remembered what your overprotective parents had said...

"Y/N, L/N you stay away from that boy, I can guarantee that he's a bad boy," your father said while wagging his finger in your face. "But dad I-" "Y/N," your mom cupped your face and kissed your forehead. "We only want what's best for you and we can tell that he's bad news. You stared at the floor and kicked the dirt in front of you. "He makes me happy mom, he gets me, you don't understand... you probably just heard rumors, stupid rumors from our batty old neighbor Mrs. Hawkins!" you scowled. Your parents exchanged glances. "Y/N, if you don't stay away from him I'll find a job for you here, on Naboo and that's final," You glared daggers at him.

"No, Poe," you said quietly then quickly diverted your attention back to your paperwork. However, Poe just stood there watching you do your paperwork. "I'm sorry Poe but I really can't," you pleaded with your eyes to make him leave. It already hurt you enough just doing this to him.

Poe sighed. A big sigh. "Ok, Y/N I guess I'll see you around then," he said clearly hurt.

 It burned your heart just to see him like this. UGH! Why, why did your parents have to forbid you! And why did you have to be their puppet and listen to them? I just broke the love of my life's heart! you thought. Now he's never going to want to talk to me again! The thought of that made tears come to your eyes. You wiped them then went back to your work.


"I don't understand...I thought she liked me," Poe said distraught as he ran a hand through his curly dark hair frustratedly.

"We did too," Rey told him putting a hand on his shoulder. She was the only one you told about your crush on Poe. Poe, her, and Finn were all sitting in Finn's bedroom discussing Poe's rejection. 

"She even told me that she did," Rey blurted out exposing your secret. "Wait she told you and not me!" Finn frowned.

 "Some friendship" he muttered. Rey ignored him and rolled her eyes at him. 

"Go talk to her, maybe there's something wrong," she said.

Poe nodded then scratched his head. "I guess, but when I'd asked her she looked pretty upset and set on no," 

"Wait, if she likes me how come she rejected me?" he asked confused.

Finn shook his head.  

"I have no idea but talking to her may be the best option you have because of that your friendship could go down the drain,"

Poe stood up and went to find you. "I'd never want to lose that ever"


At night, you went back to your room and sat and your desk, and put your head down. How could you have rejected his sweet face? Maybe this was a mistake, listening to your parents. Why did you have to be so obedient? You had your own choice. Did they know that? NO! They were always overprotective over the stupidest things! They made your blood boil. You gripped the table then threw the pencil you had in your right hand onto the floor then growled.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your door. You got up and then answered the door.

Poe Dameron stood before you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He looked slightly nervous. "Hey Y/N," he said with a small smile. 

"Hi," you shuddered and shivered simultaneously.

"Look I'm sorry if when I asked you out you were offended," he said softly while handing you the flowers. You took the flowers graciously. I don't deserve these.

"I-I'm going to head out, see you later, Y/N," There was a pain in the love of your life's voice. You hated seeing him like this. Then he turned to walk away.

"Wait, Poe," you called practically yelled. He turned around really fast.

"I really wanted to accept the offer, but my dumb parents...they think that your bad news," you took his hand. 

Poe surprisingly laughed. "Well... they're not wrong" he grasped your hand tightly. 

"You know what I'm up for the challenge," you said as a determined look crossed your face. He squinted.

 "You sure? Have you ever disobeyed your parents?" he asked.

"No," you sucked in a breath. 

"It gets easier after the first time," he chuckled. 

"You sly bastard," you shoved him in a friendly way.

"So...will you go out with me?" he asked again. "Haha, well yeah!"

"It's gonna be a wild ride," he winked at you. 

"Okay, skater boy," you said while sticking your tongue at him. Then the two of you held hands and went to find Rey and Finn to tell them about your good news.

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