poe- nightmare

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My thumb is cramping up since I'm writing on the iPad again so it's much shorter than usual😢

This is set after TROS. Also Ben is alive in this. And he's married to Rey.  I know some people don't ship them but occasionally I do. It varies from moment to moment.

Imagine being Ben Solo's little sister and Han and Leias sweet daughter. After the war, and Poe got married. After a few years, the two of you become parents to two rowdy kids. And soon a third since you were pregnant. In the middle of the night one of them wakes up from a nightmare. Since your sleeping, Poe comforts them.

poe dameron x fem!reader

*edited as of 4/11/22

You and Poe slept soundly in your room with one arm of his draped lazily around your waist. Indistinctively you nuzzled into his neck, drawing closer to his warmth.

Suddenly Poe was awoken by the sound of a small voice.

"Mommy?" the voice beckoned, fear present in the voice.

Poe groaned softly then turned to see your little eight-year-old daughter, Alana whimpering.

She was a spitting image of Poe with her curly dark hair and tan skin.

Alana put her little hands onto your arm, trying to wake you up.

Poe's eyes softened and he immediately got out of bed and went to your side of the bed and kneeled to her level.

"Shhh, Alana honey, mommy's sleeping, let's let her sleep ok? We don't want to disturb her or the little baby in her stomach," he gave her a little smile and caressed her cheek.

She nodded, her dark eyes cast downward.

He took her small hand and walked her back to her room where your little five-year-old son, Cassian was snoring in his bed.

Poe smiles at the sight of his son and then tucked Alana in bed again.

She fumbled nervously with her braid.

"Alana baby what's wrong?" he asks her while stroking her cheeks gently with the pad of his thumb.

Her lip started trembling making Poe's heart clench.

"I had a nightmare, daddy, and it was so real," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. Poe kissed her forehead and rubbed her back in small circles making her tense shoulders slightly relax.

"What was it about, Lana?" he asked her.

"Uncle Ben... he became bad again and then...he killed you and mommy..." she wailed, a huge snot bubble coming out of her nose.

Poe felt an overwhelming sense of sadness for his daughter.

Poe got her a napkin and then wiped her nose.

"Sweetie, that's never going to happen, your Auntie Rey brought back your uncle to the light side, remember?" the father reassured.

Alana shook her head vigorously, her hands shaking.

"But that's not all, daddy, Auntie Rey was crying...it was scary... Uncle Ben's eyes looked different. They were so red and evil," she shivered, her dark eyes glossy and red-rimmed.

"Well Lana, it was just a nightmare, it will never happen, ok, and if something like that were to happen, I'll protect you ok, you, Cassian, and your beautiful mama," Poe reassured her then kissed her forehead. "I will never let anyone hurt you, ok, my beautiful girl?" then started tickling her.

She collapsed in a fit of giggles.

"Daddy stop it!" she laughed hard, her sadness disappearing in the process.

The two laughed.

Suddenly, Alana started stretching and put her head on her pillow. She looked exhausted.

"I love you, daddy," the girl whispered before closing her eyes.

Poe's heart swelled at his daughter's sweet words.

"I love you too, Lana," Poe murmured then kissed his daughter's forehead, watching for a moment as soft breaths fell from her lips.

When Poe returned to his room, he noticed you sitting at the bedside awake with your hand stroking your swollen belly.

The light from the nearby lamp illuminated your face.

"Yeah, Lana just had a nightmare," Poe said then kissed your stomach. Your eyebrows furrowed and your expression changed to worry.

"Is she alright?" you asked him as he planted a gentle kiss on your neck.

"Yeah, I handled it well," he bragged, a smirk forming at his lips making you roll your eyes and lightly shove him.

Poe leaned you back against the pillow and joined you in bed, putting the covers over the two of you, and switching off the light.

"I love you, Poe Dameron," you whispered as he brought one of his hands to your face.

"I love you, Y/N L/N,"

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