kylo ren- nothing more

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Imagine being Ben Solo's best friend and he warns you that he wants to go to the dark side.He begs for you to join him.

*edited as of 3/15/22

goddamn this needed major edits

ben solo x gn!reader

You and Ben Solo were best friends at Luke Skywalker's little Jedi school. You sparred together. You ate lunch together. You shared secrets together. You were the most dynamic duo at the school.

One day he invited you to a picnic on top of a beautiful mountain. It was an isolated spot that was surrounded by a cluster of dark pine trees. 

It was such a peaceful place, and it was no wonder he chose it. The area was secluded and hidden. 

You could hear the water from the nearby river rushing, the birds singing, and the rustling of the trees. The cool breeze felt amazing against your skin. There he was in the center of it sitting on a plaid carpet with beige picnic baskets around him.

His dark curls went just past his ears and his brown eyes looked slightly nervous.

"Hey Ben!" you smiled sweetly at your best friend.

 "Y/N," he looked up, his entire face lighting up.

 "Sit, I brought ice cream and I made some cookies," Ben smiled.

"Awesome, I've been needing something delicious, we've been eating all that disgusting porridge back at school," you said making a motion to throw up. 

He chuckled which made your face heat up with pride.

"Y/N, I actually invited you here to talk about something serious," he cleared his throat, a serious look you'd never seen before crossed Ben's face.

You had your favorite ice cream splattered across your face along with cookie crumbs. 

"I'm listening," you said while dipping a cookie into the ice cream. 

"There are some times...when I feel that we don't have to be friends,"

Your heart stopped.

"What are you talking about? You don't want to be friends with me anymore?" you asked standing up, shaking.

"No no no," he said while grabbing your shoulders gently.

 "I would never want this friendship to end, this friendship is the reason that I wake up and love coming to this school every day," Ben told you softly and rubbed your back gently. 

You let out a sigh of relief.

You didn't even know why you panicked in the first place. Maybe because his tone was serious.

"Ok, then what are you trying to say then," you asked while sitting down and returning to the cookies and ice cream and snarfing it down.

He sighed then turned his head to see if anyone was around. 

"I'm not sure if I should tell you..." he said while scratching his head. 

"Ben," you said taking your hand into his and holding his hand dear. 

"You could tell me anything, I could tell you anything, we tell each other our secrets all the time... we have that bond. I mean we are best friends after all. But you don't have to say anything you don't want to," you replied in a soothing way. 

He nodded then rested his head on your lap, squeezing his eyes shut.

How should I tell them that my feelings for them are becoming strong? 

Too strong, it's blinding. And what about that Supreme Leader Snoke is calling me should I tell her that? That the dark side is taking hold of me. How could I tell them? It'd break their precious beautiful heart. But I need to tell her because the dark in me is starting to cover the light... and I need them by my side when I turn.

 "Ok, Y/N, I'm ready to tell you," Ben got up from your lap and held your hands, his heart pounding in his chest.

 "Y/N, I...think I'm in love with you,"

Your jaw dropped.

Ben Solo was in love with you.

" don't love can't possibly love it isn't the Jedi way," you stuttered looking down at your intertwined fingers.

"Y/N, I don't have much time, say you love me or you don't,"

You didn't say anything but you stood up and your back faced him.

Ben's eyebrows raised.

He honestly thought that you would be quick to join his side and become his love.

"Ben I-of course I love you but not in that way. And why don't you have much time anyway?" your voice wavered, fear washing through your system. 

"The dark side calls me Y/N, it calls me, and Y/N if we turn to the dark side we could be free to be together, we could be more powerful, and one day we could rule the galaxy!" he cried out in excitement.

The sky turned cloudy as dark clouds appeared and the wind started blowing harder.

"Ben...this isn't like you...what's happened to you, you were on your way to becoming one of the greatest Jedi in existence!" a tear slipped down your cheek.


His confession maimed you as you felt your entire body shake.

In any other situation, Ben would've immediately wrapped his arms around you and apologized wildly but he looked so different now.

"I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!" his voice cracked making your heart crumble.

"Ben, I did love you but I controlled my feelings unlike you and maybe you did have a chance if you didn't start this little episode, but now it's over and I won't be joining you on your silly little dark side, so kill me, since I won't join you, kill me because I won't be your partner," you gathered as much courage as you had into saying that.

You were so hurt right now. The boy you loved, your best friend was gone to the dark side. Your heart split in two.

"I don't even know who you are right now," you whispered but Ben had heard and he turned away.

The rain started to fall and after a second lightning struck the sky and thunder rumbled. 

Ben sighed heartbrokenly, trying to keep his emotions in check.

 "Leave, leave now, and never come back and you will be spared," he said his voice monotone. 

"I don't want the only person I've loved to be lost,"

You faced him and quickly kissed both his cheeks. 

"If you were still on the light side I would be with you, but what I feared has come true...the dark side has consumed you,"

"Goodbye Ben, I'll always love you,"

You ran into the forest and weren't seen for the rest of that day or ever again.

 That night Ben Solo was consumed with anger and contempt. That night was the day the Ben Solo was transformed into Kylo Ren. It was the night when he burned down the temple and the Knights of Ren were born. 

Ben Solo was gone.

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