luke- you're scared of thunder?

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*edited as of 3/1/22

luke skywalker x gn!reader

You stayed in your bed with the covers over your head. It was pouring outside and the thunder was crashing loudly.

It was almost three in the morning and you could not sleep.

It wasn't that you were scared of the thunder it was just that it was really loud and you couldn't sleep. You wanted someone's arms to be around you while you tried to sleep.

You slipped out of your bed and walked out of your room. 

The lights in the resistance base were off except for one flickering hallway light.

To distract yourself you wanted to talk to someone but you didn't know who.

There was Leia but she was probably rendezvousing with Han. Your other friends were probably asleep and would kill you if you woke them up. There weren't many other options except for your best friend Luke.

 With Luke life was easy and there was always something to talk about. On your birthday he had baked a large two-tiered chocolate cake which was decorated with different colored fruit. He had written 'Happy birthday Y/N!' with the frosting messy. He had taken the whole day to make the cake. You remembered how your heart had melted and you almost kissed him that day.

You had a soft spot for Luke.

You turned a corner and then arrived at his room which was secluded from everyone else.

He had told you before that you didn't need to knock so you turned the knob and entered his room.

You were met with complete darkness except for a bright nightlight in the corner of the room which slightly illuminated the spacious room.

You looked at the king-sized bed in the middle of the room and saw Luke's sandy hair poking out.

You let out a small laugh as you neared his bedside and peered down at him.

His blue eyes were open and widened as he looked up at you in shock and yelped.

"Y/N!" he yelled springing up from the bed and hitting your forehead.

"Ow!" you winced in pain as you touched your forehead gingerly from where he had hit you. He was mimicking your motions with his own head.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect you," he said softly. 

His blonde hair was tousled and messy and his big eyes were bloodshot. His toned muscular body was in view as the covers had slipped off and you found yourself intensely staring at it.

"What are you doing here it's really late?" he asked as he scratched his head.

"Couldn't sleep because of the thunder," you said simply and sat on his bed.

"You're scared?" a grin stretched onto Luke's face as he looked into your face.

"It's not that! It's just really loud so I couldn't sleep," you argued as you slapped him gently.

"Alright, Y/N whatever you say," the boy shrugged his broad shoulders as you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.

"So how can I help with your little problem?" Luke asked eagerly as he looked at you like a little boy looked at his trainset.

"Can I just lie down next to you?" you asked looking at him as his cheeks flamed. 

He hoped that you couldn't see his bright cheeks in the darkness of the room.

"Yeah of course," he said as he grabbed a pillow from a chair and placed it next to him so you could rest.

Once your head hit the pillow you were overcome with a feeling of sleepiness.

"Wow I didn't know I would help that fast," Luke laughed as you shushed him gently.

The thunder continued to shake the base as your eyes snapped open and you sighed.

"Nevermind," you groaned as he plopped down next to you.

He looked tired as well as his beautiful blue eyes bore into yours. His lashes were long and his pale cheeks looked so soft. You wanted to stroke them and watch as his eyes close so he could drift off into sleep.

Sensing your irritation, Luke pulled you to his bare chest as you put your head in the crook of his neck.

"Damn you're like a muscly pillow, Lucas," you used his nickname as he placed his chin on your head and you could feel him shake his head.

What you missed were his glowing pink cheeks and his pleased smile.

You could feel his heart beating quickly as he started to stroke your hair gently as if you were a butterfly.

"Your heart is beating fast," you whispered.

"That's because I'm next to you," he mumbled.

Your eyes started to close.

"What?" you asked sleepily.

"Go to sleep, Y/N," he kissed your forehead gently as you slipped into sleep and gentle snores fell from your mouth.

"I love you," Luke muttered before he too fell asleep with his arms draped over your figure.

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