how you meet

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You were a rebel, a very intelligent one for that matter. You were walking in the hallway with a bunch of paper one day when you stumbled into someone causing all your papers to fall. You were already frustrated because you had so much to do already so you yelled at this person.  "WHAT'S YOUR DEAL!" 

You looked up in anger to see the famous Luke Skywalker. The Luke Skywalker. The Awesome Jedi that you'd been fangirling about and here you were yelling at him. His blue eyes were startled as he brushed his sandy hair out of his eyes. "I'm so'am.." he practically whispered his voice cracking. 

Your eyes softened and you blushed, you started blushing because you were extremely embarrassed. He was really cute. 

That voice crack was also really funny, you thought.

"I'm sorry, that was really aggressive," you said while picking up your papers. He helped then replied.

"It's alright, I understand what it's like to have so much stress piling up... uh what's your name miss, I've seen you around but I don't know your name?" Luke blushed.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N," you grinned, he was too cute. "I'm-" he started. 

"Luke Skywalker," you replied for him then offered your hand. "Everyone knows you!"

 He blushed then took your hand and shook it.


You were in a bar dancing when someone's firm hand came on your shoulder. You turned around and glared at the person. This was your favorite song and you were rudely interrupted by god knows who.

A handsome man with brown hair and brown eyes met your eyes. "Hey, sweetheart I'm Han Solo," he said. You rolled your eyes and returned to dancing by yourself. 

"Don't you wanna dance sweetie?" He asked while twirling you. "I'm good by myself thanks," you said swatting his hand away. 

He shrugged his shoulders. "Alright then," he said dancing beside you. He was trying to copy your dance moves. He was doing it really bad.

 "Han Solo, you are really bad at dancing!" you laughed.

 "I know I was just begging for your attention, uh what's your name, hotshot?" he smirked then winked. What a flirt.

"Y/N L/N," you smiled. 


You were a well respected pilot in the Resistance and one of the best, one of General Leia's favorites. You were coming back from battle hopping out of your ship dancing your way to General Leia. 

She hugged you. "Good job Y/N!" she said cupping your cheek and kissing it making you grin. Then a man with curly hair and a tan face jogged up to her. Who's this cutie? you thought. 

"General" he bowed with a large white grin. Woah, he's not just cute he's HOT, control yourself Y/N you thought internally slapping yourself.

 "Great job today, Poe" she said hugging him. He winked at you. "What's your name, cutie?" he flirted. 

"Umm, Y/N L/N, what's your name?" you cocked your eyebrows at him. "Poe Dameron, I swear to god, you better not flirt with one of our best pilots," General Leia wagged a finger at him then patted his cheek in a friendly manner.

"Poe huh, I have a feeling that we're gonna be great friends," 


You worked at the resistance as an assistant to the General. Your best friend Poe was running up to you. You hadn't seen him since he was captured by the First Order. "Y/N!" he called and picked you up and hugged you. "POE, I've missed you!" you squealed. 

There was a man with a brown face and black hair behind him acting shy. "Hey, what's your name, I haven't seen you around here?" you asked him. "Uh, I'm Finn," he looked down and blushed. "I'm Y/N," you smiled.

"Where'd you find him, he's cute?" you whispered to Poe making him laugh. Finn heard and started blushing ferociously.

Kylo Ren-

You were a highly ranked Lieutenant that everyone respected and liked. You were typing madly on your computer working intensely when General Hux called you.

"Yes, General Hux?" you questioned him sending a blush to his cheeks. You knew that he liked you but the feeling was not mutual because you knew how much of a womanizer he was and you were not going to have it. Unfortunately, you still had to be polite to him since he was your boss.

"I'd like for you to meet Commander Ren," he motioned to a man wearing a dark mask and all black robes. The mask was kind of sexy... but it was hiding something. Mysterious... you liked it.

"Nice to meet you, Commander," you gave him a small smile.

"And you Lieutenant L/N,"

Little did you know that Kylo Ren was blushing madly underneath his mask.


You were a one of Kylo Ren's knights that's beauty was known everywhere. You walked with Kylo everywhere for you were one of his best friends.

You were both laughing when the notable General Hux came by.

"What's so funny, Commander?" he asked sternly.

You both shut up. "And who are you?" he cocked an eyebrow at you. You took off your helmet revealing your beautiful face which made him blush hard. Kylo was stifling a laugh. 

"Y/N L/N, Commander Ren's best knight," you smiled at the red-head and held out your hand.

 "I'm General Hux, but you probably know that," he shook it after a moment then cleared his throat. By now his whole face was red.

"Well hopefully I'll see you around, Miss Y/N," he said while scurrying out of the room.

"Looks like Ginger has a crush on you" Kylo told you making you elbow him in the ribs. You couldn't help but smile though.

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