you tell him you're pregnant

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Hey guys!!! I was too lazy to do a wedding preference so just assume that this is after you are married. No shot gun weddings lmao


You had just told Leia that you were pregnant and she was ecstatic.

"Y/N, OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" she screamed.

You shushed her. "Leia, the whole resistance base can hear you,"

"Sorry," she mumbled. 

"So have you told Luke that he's going to be a father yet?" she asked with a tiny smile.

You scratched your forehead. "No, I was a little scared to because he had told me that he would want to start a family after this war ended,"

Leia grabbed your shoulders gently. "Y/N, Luke will be so happy if you tell him, so just go" she pushed you gently to where Luke was sitting. After that, she quickly left with a quick snicker.

"Hey Luke!" you smiled then sat next to him.

"Hi precious," he kissed your forehead then gave you a little smile. "Are you ok, you look like your sweating quite a storm over there,"

"Yeah, baby I'm fine, I just have something to tell you,"

"Go on," Luke said then placed your hand in his.

"I'm pregnant,"

His smile became a huge grin he looked like a chipmunk.

"Really! I'm going to be a dad! And you're gonna be a mom!" he stood up then twirled you.

"Yes, Luke," you giggled.

Then he squeezed you. "This is the best gift you could have ever given me," he murmured from your shoulder.


You were terrified to tell Han because you thought that he would leave you if you told him that you were pregnant.

"If he leaves you, me and Leia will have your back ok?" Luke rubbed your back in gentle circles relaxing you. He was your best friend.

"Thank you, Luke," you wrapped your arms around him then kissed his forehead.

You saw Han talking to some random pilot.

When he saw you he sauntered up to you with a confident look.

"Hey kitten," he murmured looking you up and down licking his lips.

"Hey, Han," you laughed but your heart beat fast and the smile you had faded.

"What's wrong Y/N?" he asked after he noticed that your smile was gone.

"I'm scared to tell you," you turned away from him embarrassed of the tears that started to form in your eyes.

He turned your face gently so that you could look at him.

"Baby, you can tell me anything," his thumb traced your jaw and he looked straight into your eyes.

"I'm pregnant," you squeaked.

Han's eyes widened and then he had a smirk on his face.

"Finally! I was wondering if my dick was broken or something. I'm so happy for us!" he hugged you.

All the fear in your heart disappeared because you knew that Han would love this child as much as you.


When you found out that you were pregnant you immediately told Poe who was jumping up and down. He loved children and he was so excited when he found out. He ran out of the room where you told him then ran across the base telling everyone your good news.

 He kissed you all over and peppered you with kisses. He gave you a bouquet of roses and chocolates.

"I want you to be as comfortable and happy as you possibly can ok, Y/N?" he asked then kissed your forehead.

"Yes, Poe,"

"I can't believe I'm finally going to be a father and raise it with the girl of my dream,s" a tear slipped from his eye.


Like Poe, you immediately told Finn but he was scared of being a father.

"Y/N, I'm so happy for us but what if I'm not a good father?" he asked his face overwhelmed with emotions. He was completely insecure.

You walked over to him then started holding his shoulders. You couldn't believe that your husband was being insecure about himself. You knew that he would be the best father ever, he was just so caring for everyone.

"Finn, you will be the best father ever," you kissed his head and stroked it.

He kissed your stomach. "I sure hope so," he mumbled.

"You will have the best mama in the world did you know that?" he talked to your stomach, gently stroking it.

"And dad," you smiled down at him.


When Hux found out he was going to be a dad he was happy. He just didn't show you which made you worried.

"Are you sure you're happy, Hux?" you asked him. You were slightly hurt by his reaction to finding out.

"Of course, I am going to have a child," he smiled at you then went down at your level.

"Do you not think I'm happy, Y/N?" he asked looking partially hurt.

"I mean usually a lot of other men would jump up and down at the opportunity to be a father," you said looking into his blue eyes.

"Oh, Y/N, I am very happy I just show it in different ways like this," he kissed your lips lovingly which made you smile.

"And I can tell the child is going to be ginger which makes me even happier," he grinned.

You playfully shoved him.

Kylo Ren-

When Kylo Ren found out you were pregnant he was so happy. However, he wanted to make sure that you and the baby had the best care in the world. He didn't let anyone sit next to you because he was worried that it would hurt the baby. He was always doing work so he wanted to make sure that you were safe and comfortable while he was away.

"Babe, the baby and I will be fine," you rolled your eyes at Kylo who shook his head violently.

"No!" he shouted. "You will be comfortable and have the best things right now," he looked at you with his intense chocolate eyes that made your knees weak. His eyes were worried and you felt bad because he just wanted what was best for you and your child.

You walked up to him then kissed him gently on the lips.

"Kylo Ren, I will be ok, do you hear me?" you asked him then started cupping his cheeks.

"I hear you," he huffed then blew a lock of his black hair out of his face.

 "But just let me know if you need anything ok, I want you and the baby's cravings to be satisfied," he gave you a sincere smile.

"I will," you told him as he wrapped his arms around you gingerly like you were a little puppy about to be squished.

"Good," he said then kissed your forehead.

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