poe- traitor

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Hi everyone I hope you're all doing well once again. Today my grandpa died. So that's two traumatic things in a row because of my bird. Seeing his dead body was so nerve wracking. He looked so pale and yellowish and it made me sick to the stomach. I'm so grief-stricken right now and writing away is the only way I can handle my emotions and shit. I guess I can use the double homicide joke though...

This was inspired by the song traitor by Olivia Rodrigo which is above. Also in this imagine Poe is a toxic boyfriend lmao. I think in a relationship he would treat you well but now let's just pretend he's this asshole.

poe dameron x gn!reader

*edited as of 3/22/22

Poe hasn't been affected by your breakup and now he's found someone else so quickly.

Your eyes stared at his beautiful form.

Poe Dameron,  your ex-boyfriend ran a hand through his curly dark hair as his brown eyes were stuck on the beautiful woman beside him. 

They were sat at a table in a secluded area across the room thinking that no one could see but you could.

She was stunning with her shoulder-length straight dark brown hair. Her hazel-colored eyes were animated as she spoke to him.

His soft brown eyes flickered from her lovely eyes down to her red-painted lips.

You could feel your heart crack as she gently shoved him making him throw his head back like a little kid and let out a hearty laugh. 

You remembered when he would laugh at everything you would say. You could still picture it.

It had barely been a month and now he was moving on.

Your romantic relationship with Poe never worked. Whenever you would do something nice for him it would end up in a fight. You tried so hard to make it work with him but he was so unreasonable. 

When he suggested that you both break up you had agreed immediately. You thought it as a way to cleanse yourself from his toxicity.

 You both promised to stay friends though. Your friendship with Poe was one not to be meddled with.

After you broke up with Poe you were much happier and you could feel your depression decrease. Until this moment.

You watched as your ex reached over to put a strand of the woman's picture-perfect hair behind her ear as her cheeks turned pink.

You didn't know why you still had feelings for Poe. He was an extremely toxic boyfriend.

He had made you doubt yourself. You'd ask yourself questions like 'Am I pretty?' or 'Am I fun?' or 'Did I say something wrong?' constantly wondering if you were good enough for him.

When you'd ask him those questions he'd have a little smirk on his face that almost mocked you.

 He'd never answer when you'd ask him. You'd tell him you loved him and he wouldn't say a word. He would have a knowing smile on his face.

He was responsible for your insecurities.

Now you watched Poe lean in and cup the girl's cheeks and kiss her plump lips making her cheeks turn bright pink.

You felt tears welling up in your eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. It was almost as if their mouths were glued together and if they were separated they would split in two. You could see your ex smiling in the kiss. 

He did that with you once. You wondered how many times he'd do it with her. You wondered how many times he would make her feel like she was worth it. How many times he would tell her he loved her.

You wondered if he would treat her like shit like he did with you. Play her heart like a violin and then toss it out and move on to someone else. Was this Poe's game? Did he like to make people suffer? Or maybe he just liked to make you suffer.

You watched as Poe pulled the girl into his lap and his big strong hands rested on her back and then began to move down to her ass making your heart jump out of your chest and a tear slip down onto your cheek.

He betrayed you. You knew he didn't care. And that was the worst part.

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