hux- i hate you

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3.2k reads, 105 votes and 20 comments. Wow, I never thought that this would actually occur. Thank you so much troopers and may the force be with you!

A tad bit of language.

Imagine having a crush on Hux but hating him at the same time for constantly bothering you. 

A stormtrooper had just informed you that a bunch of skilled stormtroopers were killed in battle because someone had made the mistake of sending them off to battle. You were upset and told the nearest stormtrooper to come to you so you could take your anger out on them.

"YOU DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING!" you roared at a poor trooper who had just been following orders. You were quite scary when you were upset. Ma'am, I was just following orders," the stormtrooper stuttered. He was looking down at his feet.

You sighed then tried your best not to sound frustrated because you immediately felt bad for the poor stormtrooper who was just doing his job.

"I apologize, I'm just a bit stressed out," you told the stormtrooper. 

"Whose orders were you following, trooper?" you asked.

"General Hux, Lieutenant Y/N," the trooper said swiftly.

The veins in your neck bulged. Your jaw was clenched and you tightened your fists at HIS name. General Hux. You had a very "interesting" relationship with him. Whenever you were around him you couldn't help but feel hate towards him. But your heart said differently. Your heart would pound hard whenever he would get near you. You would cherish every time he'd say "Excellent work, Y/N".

"Thank you," you said as nicely as you could. The stormtrooper skittered off almost knowing that you were about to erupt like a volcano.

You untied your low ponytail and redid it making it as tight as possible. You took out your red lipstick and reapplied it. You were angry there was no doubt about it but you also couldn't help feeling butterflies in your stomach.

Curse you, you weak fool! you thought to yourself shaking your head at your silly little crush on the general.

You stomped over to where the red-headed general was. His hands were behind his back and he was barking at an admiral. Your anger matched his.

"Excuse me, General," you said with false kindness.

"Ah, Lieutenant Y/N, how nice of you to join us," he smiled which made you want to smash your lips onto his. He then waved the admiral to who he was speaking to aside.

 You tried to ignore his sudden cheerfulness and tried to focus on what you were going to say.

 "The stormtrooper RH- 9867 just told me that you sent them out for battle without alerting anyone," you said trying to compose your anger.

"So?" he asked licking his lips his eyes locked onto your figure.

You scoffed. "So... many skilled stormtroopers were killed in battle and injured badly all because of YOUR mistake!" you jabbed a finger at his chest but didn't touch it.

Hux simply laughed. "Miss Y/N-"

You cut him off placing your gloved hand over his mouth. 

"I believe it's Lieutenant, General, I say this respectfully," you spoke sarcastically as you took your hand off his mouth.

"Fine," he clicked his tongue with annoyance.

"Lieutenant, Y/N, remember that I am your superior and I will always be," he stared you up and down.

You liked the way that your name rolled of his tongue like that. It was sexy.

Your eyes locked onto his icy blue eyes and you glared at him. He simply smirked at you.

"Don't deny that you don't love me," Hux lifted his chin up in a knowing manner.

"What?" you sneered caught off guard a bit. Was your crush on him that obvious?

"You love me, dear, and I don't blame you and honestly I love you too"

Your cheeks were tinged red from embarrassment but you did your best to hide it.

"Haha, that's hilarious, General, me love you, you must be on drugs," you laughed nervously.

"Darling, don't hide your love for me, I've been dreaming about you for a while and you certainly have too. I am obviously not on drugs. It's obvious, my dear I see you sometimes from the corner of my eye staring at my ass," 

"No, no, no, General, you must be mistaken for someone else, Nurse Madison is the one who stares at your ass," you lied. 

Nurse Madison was a beautiful black woman with straight black hair and emerald green eyes. She was the head nurse and could fix up wounds so quickly. She was also extremely intelligent. She could captivate anyone in a second.

"Nurse Madison is married, and she would never do that!" he exclaimed shocked that you would even think that.

"I. Hate. You. End of story. Good day I guess," you let every word drag on so he understood it clearly.

"You really are a bad liar, Lieutenant," he chuckled.

The blush on your cheeks spread around your face so that you looked like a red tomato.

He looked adorable with his chin lifted up. His red hair was in the right place at the right time and how his hands were still behind his back. How his lips formed into a smirk. It was just too much for you. 

You stomped towards him, wrapped your arms around him then kissed him. He tasted like candy.

"Mmm, I knew it," he said against your lips.

You laughed then broke the kiss because other officers and stormtroopers were starting to stare.


When he said that the people immediately returned to their work terrified of Hux.

"You're cute when your mad" you giggled then touched his chest.

Hux was turned on and he couldn't deny it.

He stared down at your little hand then looked at you intensely with his lake blue eyes.

"Meet me in my quarters tonight?" he practically begged.

"Yes, General," you winked at him then left back to your work.

Hux really liked it when you called him general.

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