obi-wan (smut)- the way i loved you

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summary: there was always tension between you and obi-wan yet the jedi council assigned him to accompany you on a diplomatic mission

obi-wan x fem!reader

warnings: smut, cursing, angst

word count: 4529

written on 7/20/22


"What?" you snapped.

You stood in front of the Jedi counsel with your fists clenched at your sides.

"Senator L/N, it isn't safe for you to travel on your own...especially when you're going to a diplomatic mission trying to make peace with a Separatist leader," Jedi-Master Mace Windu said calmly.

"Known to deceive they are," Master Yoda nodded in agreement.

"But Jedi-Masters, I can defend myself believe me," you stared at everyone around you pleading at them with your eyes.

"Senator L/N, we are quite aware of that but the Separatists have been more violent in recent events and you're an important figure in the Republic so we need you alive," Mace Windu emphasized.

"Gee thanks," you rolled your eyes, knowing that the Jedi only cared about you because you supported their cause.

"We're assigning Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to your aid," Master Plo Koon stated as your eyes widened.

"What?" you shrieked with anger.

"Can't someone else escort me?" you turned to your Jedi friend Aayla Secura who gave you a sympathetic smile and shook her head.

"We know that you and Master Kenobi have had your differences but the rest of us are all assigned to do other tasks elsewhere," Aayla explained.

"Returned Obi-Wan has from Florrum. Meet with you he will after this meeting, hm," Master Yoda concluded before all of the Jedi stood up.

"But-" you sputtered.

"That concludes our session for today. May the force be with you all," Mace Windu bowed his head as the rest of the Jedi chorused 'May the force be with you.'

You groaned loudly before Aayla went beside you and walked you out of the council room.

"Come on Y/N, it truly cannot be that bad. Master Kenobi is a very respectable man," she put a gentle hand on your shoulder as you sighed.

"He's always criticizing me and my methods," you said as Aayla squinted.

"Well, Y/N I hate to bring it up but you are always the first person to disagree and completely take apart his plans," the Twi'lek argued.

"Secura you're supposed to be on my side here and that's not true all I said was that his plan was stupid and everyone would die because of it," you crossed your arms as Aayla's lips quirked up.

"I rest my case," she said.

"You know if the two of you weren't always bickering you'd make a great time," she raised her eyebrows as you rolled your eyes.

"Stop it Aayla," you put your face in your hands as she chuckled.

"I have business to attend to with Master Fisto but enjoy your time with Master Kenobi," she winked before she disappeared out of view.

You shook your head lightly before entering the room where Obi-Wan was.

He was standing in the center of the room clearly deep in thought as he touched his well-trimmed beard.

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