hux- a little too not over you

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I realized that I haven't done Hux in a while, it mostly has been just Kylo and Poe. Not going to lie, I kinda missed his ginger angry self :(

There's a little bit of language and there's cheating. Don't get emotional, kids.

Imagine being an officer for the First Order and General Hux's beloved ex and you start going out with Kylo Ren. He can't help but feel overly jealous because he still was in love with you. So, he goes out of his way to try to make you jealous in attempts to win you back.


You came home one evening and saw random clothing sprawled all over you and your boyfriend's shared quarters. It definitely wasn't yours. 

You were immediately suspicious and worried. Hux cheating? He would never. Yesterday he had told you that there was no one like you and that he loved you. You quickly waved that thought aside but still decided to investigate.

You stayed quiet and tiptoed into your bedroom. You were surprised. There he was. In bed with another woman. That sly bastard was shirtless and was with a woman in lingerie. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. Her lips were plump and red. She was skinny. And her eyes were lustful. They matched his eyes. He grinned wolfishly. It made you upset. They wouldn't get away with this...

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" you roared shaking the floor beneath you. The two of them sprang out of bed quickly, their faces red. They hadn't yet noticed you before which made you even angrier. The woman's eyes widened and then she immediately put on her clothes back on. She was in a rush. To get out of this drama. She looked frightened of you.

 Before she left the room she mumbled an apology and that she didn't know that Hux had a girlfriend. A dirty scummy cheater. That's what Hux was.

Hux felt guilty. He thought that it wasn't his fault because you weren't home all the time. You were always so engrossed with work. You weren't leaving time for HIM. He was getting anxious. And he missed your sweet touch. And how you always made him feel better.

The two of you were silent for a good ten minutes. You glared at him for that whole time until he finally opened his mouth to speak. You cut him off. "No, I don't accept your apology" you stated simply and clicked your tongue. He looked at you. His eyes were filled with guilt and misery.

"Your stupid ass puppy eyes won't save you from punishment this time, General," you said crossing your arms. 

"And she didn't even know that you had a girlfriend, wow, general I didn't know how scummy you truly were!"

His heart stung when you called him general. You only called him that when you were angry. You also called his scum. 

You were never the angry one. It was always him who was having a temper tantrum. To calm himself down he'd rest his head in your lap while you peppered his face with kisses and played with his hair. Regret is what Hux felt. More regret than what he'd ever felt before.

"Now get the fuck out of my apartment, NOW," you scowled then pointed at the door. Your hands trembled. No mercy this time. All the time you helped him. All the time you cared for him, loved him WASTED you thought.

He sighed deeply then started packing his belongings. After he was done he stood by the door. He was remorseful. He looked back at you and realized that he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I truly am and I just wanted to let you know that I still love you and that I will always love you," he said then headed out the door. You didn't say anything because you were too angry and shocked to speak.

You lost all love and care for that man that day.

Flashback over

Hux clenched his fists. You were once again laughing with your new partner, Kylo Ren. Whatever he seemed to be saying was funny because it was very hard to make you laugh. He never made you laugh like that.

You had replaced him. He felt humiliated. This humiliation that Hux felt was the biggest joke on the whole starbase. The entire First Order for that matter actually. Everyone laughed about it behind his back.

You were gasping for breath because of how much he made you laugh.

"That's enough Kylo, you're literally going to kill me," you smiled up at the masked man, smacking his chest lightly. 

"But Y/N, you look cute when you're laughing," he said. Underneath his mask, he was smiling. He couldn't help it. Kylo was in love, and he had finally found the girl of his dreams. 

"Aww, Kylo," you gushed then kissed his cheek. You had found the real man of your dreams. And he was faithful. You could tell.

When you kissed his cheek, Hux had never felt so much rage in his entire life. Kylo loved you and you loved Kylo.

He had to win you back. You were the only one who understood him. You were the only one who could calm him down after a rough day at work. You were the only one who satisfied his needs. You didn't hesitate when he wanted your touch. But now you were gone. To that masked future sith-lord. And it boiled his blood. He had to get you back. And he had a plan.

"Captain Phasma!" he called the gray female stormtrooper.

"Yes, General Hux?" she answered and immediately came to wherever Hux was.

"You've been doing a wonderful job here, Captain," he said loudly making sure it caught your attention which it did. It captured everyone's attention actually.

You rolled your eyes. "Here we go again,"

"Thank you, sir" she was blushing underneath her mask. She loved to be praised for her work. 

"Your work is fantastic, and your skills are exemplary!" he complimented.

"You're too kind, General," she said.

He noticed that your attention was back to Kylo and sighed.

"And that's it, now return to your post," he said with a slight hint of anger.

Captain Phasma ran back to her post clearly confused with the General's behavior. 

Is he sick or something? she thought, shaking her helmet lightly.

"He's trying to make me jealous because he's jealous!" you laughed to your boyfriend who also laughed. "Ridiculous!" 

"I've been over him ever since he cheated on me with that poor woman!" you told him. "Yes, you told me," Kylo said now sensing your anger. 

"He needs to fucking move on, I have...and he should really too," you said losing your anger after thinking about how sad and lonely the general must be.

Kylo put a gentle hand on your shoulder. 

"Come, love, don't worry about him, he will find someone else, there are lots of other women in the First Order like Captain Phasma,"

You laughed. "Captain Phasma is NOT a fan of Hux, I can tell you that. And she's a lesbian," you told him.

"Come, love let's go back to our quarters," he said then wrapped his arm around your back. He was that tall.

You smirked. "Let's go,"

When Hux watched you leave he realized that one mistake was all it took for you to leave. Once he saw how happy you were with Kylo; he knew that you were lost to him and that you were never again going back to him.

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