what they're like in a haunted house

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It's spooky season! I'm dressing up as Loki for Halloween lol. I might be going to a haunted house next weekend which will be fun. I've never been to one and I've always wanted to go. Hopefully it'll be a cool experience. Anyways enjoy whatever this is. 


When you bring up the idea of going to a haunted house Luke's once large smile had turned into a frown and he looks sick.

"A haunted house?" he asked worriedly.

His baby blue eyes widened making you let out a small laugh.

"C'mon it won't be that bad. You've fought so much worse things and you're scared of a little haunted house?" you smirked.

Luke looked deep in thought for a moment before sighing after seeing the excited 

"Fine but only if you stay close to me the whole time," the sandy-haired boy said as you squealed and then embraced him.


Once you went inside the haunted house Luke was a mess and he was grabbing your hand tightly for support while clowns, mummies, and different creatures jumped around him.

He had buried his head into your shoulder while you got past the monsters.

It amused you that this galaxy-renowned hero was afraid of a haunted house.

Occasionally you would scream out of fun making Luke cling to you tighter making your screams turn into laughter.

Once you walked out of the haunted house Luke looked extremely relieved.

"We're never doing that again," he wheezed.

"Aw why not," you teased making Luke's cheeks flame.

"Alright alright maybe I'll put on a scary movie instead," you winked at your boyfriend whose face paled.


When you mentioned the idea of a haunted house to Han he looked extremely excited.

"A haunted house with my partner? What are you waiting for let's go!" he had said with a large grin on his face.

Inside the haunted house, he had put on a brave face and walked through without getting scared a single time. 

Every time one of the monsters would show up he would just laugh while you would get scared the shit out of and jump.

Once you escape the house he looks at you and your disheveled form.

"Did you not enjoy that?" he taunted.

"I did but how did you not get scared of anything?" you crossed your arms while his warm brown eyes bored into you.

"Monsters and jumpscares aren't really scary," he shrugged his shoulders.

"What is scary to you then?" you snorted.

"You," he said simply making you combust into laughter.


Like Han Poe was also very excited to go to a haunted house with you.

"It's going to be so much fun! But we're both going to be losing our voices afterwards from screaming too loud," he clapped his hands in excitement.

"Poe you make me lose my voice from-"

Poe cut you off by putting his hand over your mouth.

"Y/N one day you're gonna get me in trouble," he whispered as the people around the two of you watched you both with curiosity.

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