din djarin- i need a hero

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hey all i wrote this much darker piece since I'm in a bit of a din mood but anyways i hope you enjoy!

din djarin x fem!reader

warnings: sexual assault, abuse, cursing, violence

Sitting beside your "owner" wearing a skimpy outfit in a cantina was not where you wanted to be once you turned twenty-two.

After being abducted from your home planet of Earth, you became the slave of a vile, evil man that you were basically a walking trophy for.

Aldrin Spade was Coruscant's biggest drug lord and a very powerful man. He was also very dangerous, which was something that you picked up on very quickly.

You sat beside him as he took a hummingbird sip from the blue-colored drink in his hand.

His blue eyes peeked at you for a second as he put his drink on the table and sighed, placing an arm around you.

"Want a sip, sweetheart?" a coy smile played at his lips as he lifted the drink up and took another sip.

"No thank you," you whispered, trying to avoid conversation and eye contact, a new thing you picked up on when being dragged to space.

On Earth, you were always known as the hot head and very stubborn person, but you had refined your manners when you were stuck with Aldrin after you saw him choke a man to death mercilessly.

"Always so fucking polite," Aldrin chuckled as he fished a lighter and pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

You watched as an orange-colored flame came from the lighter.

Aldrin's eyes flicked over to you as he put the cigarette to his lips.

You looked at your lap and kicked your feet forward as he blew a puff of smoke in your face.

Then a moment later he put his hand on your thigh and started rubbing circles into it which made your breath hitch.

You wished that you could tell him to stop touching you but you knew that would result in a harsh punishment.

"I have a very important meeting with a Mandalorian and he has something for me. I want you to speak when you're spoken to and just sit still and look pretty," his hand inched a little higher which made your lip tremble with fear.

"Yes sir," you muttered.

Before Aldrin's hand could go any higher, the doors of the cantina swung upon to reveal a man with full armor and a weapon strapped to his back.

He walked towards the two of you making worry flow through your veins.

"Ah, Mando you've come!" Aldrin had a sly smirk on his face as he patted the seat across from him.

The Mandalorian tilted his helmet down in acknowledgment as he slid into the booth, his helmet turning to you for a second.

The armored man's demeanor was mysterious and there was something so alluring about him.

"So have you brought it?" Aldrin questioned as he brought the cigarette to his lips once again and took a long drag.

The Mandalorian tossed a beige bag onto the table and Aldrin immediately went over to examine it.

Opening the bag, he grinned wildly.

Taking a quick glance you saw a green head that had streaks of purple blood on its head.

Your eyes widened in fear as you looked at the man in front of you who still had his helmet turned towards you.

"Now give me my money," a modulated voice came from the armored man.

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