poe/reader/kylo- she's a jewel

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Imagine being the beautiful highly sought after princess of Naboo, and your mother hosts a huge birthday party for your 23rd birthday. Your mother hosts this huge party just so that you can find someone to marry which angers you. The First Order comes because they want your planet as an alliance. The Resistance also wants your planet as an alliance too so they also visit. When Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron see you they couldn't help but fall in love which wasn't part of the plan. It also wasn't part of the plan for you to fall in love with them.

You were enraged with your mother. "Mom, honestly! I just wanted to invite a couple of friends from THIS planet over for my birthday, not the whole entire fucking galaxy!"

Your mom shrugged her shoulders in a very queenly manner. She looked down on you disapprovingly.

 "Y/N, sweetie, watch your language, you will be the queen soon, and you deserve a huge party, you've been working so hard my angel," she kissed your cheek.

 You still felt angry even though you loved it when your mom was affectionate with you.

 "And you've also come of the right age to marry someone," She had a certain sparkle in her eyes which you immediately disliked. She didn't feel any regret.

You pretended to throw up. "Mom, why can't I just be a single hot aunt,"

She rolled her eyes. She was holding back a laugh you could tell. 

"Y/N, marriage is a gift, and be lucky that I'm letting you choose your husband, I am not going to be like those other royal families that force their daughters to marry a prince," her eyes were stern.

 "Y/N, no matter what you WILL get married, understand?" Her eyes locked on yours. You could tell that she was serious and that made you singe with anger.


"Watch your tongue, Y/N, and you should be grateful that your father and I aren't just giving you away to some prince just because he's royalty," you could tell that she was about to lose her temper like a tiny fire bursting into flames, so you grunted and huffed angrily and stormed off to your bedroom.


"A birthday party for the princess of Naboo?" Commander Kylo Ren asked the Supreme Leader Snoke with a scoff. 

"Yes, Commander, if you sway the Nabooian rulers then they will join us and we will crush the Resistance," Snoke help up his hand in a fist. "I heard that they want their little pretty daughter to get married, maybe we can seal our alliance with you and the princess's marriage" a tiny evil smile danced on the Supreme Leader's face.

 "I am NOT going to marry her," he said simply. 

Forced marriage was disgusting to Kylo. How could royalty just make their children marry someone they hardly know? Some didn't even know each other at all? Kylo thought. The Supreme Leader's smile faded away. 

"You will do what I say or else," he shut off communication and left Kylo speechless.


"A party you say?" Poe Dameron asked General Leia with a wide grin. He sure loved parties. All the drinks, the food, but most importantly all the beautiful women going there.

 General Leia shook her head. "Yes, Poe, it's Princess Y/N's birthday, but you are there at that party for one reason and one reason only, to make the Naboo rulers come on our side," her voice was stern but in a loving manner. 

"Ok, General, I know it'll be pretty quick because of my winning smile, but afterward can I please party?" he asked then did a little dance for Leia.

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