obi-wan- better man

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summary: you watch as obi-wan has moved on from you but you can't help but still have feelings for him.

obi-wan x gn!reader

warnings: none

word count: 705

written: 4/11/23


You tried not to stare.

You really tried for your sanity but you couldn't help it, your eyes stayed glued to them.

You watched as your fellow Jedi, and former partner, Obi-Wan Kenobi hooked a finger under Duchess Satine's chin and pressed a loving kiss to her cheek while she closed her eyes and smiled.

Your heart clenched at the sweet gesture.

You remembered a time when he had acted that way with you.

You watched the way the duchess scrunched up her nose with delight and laid her head against his chest.

It was so unfair.

You tried so hard to hate him after he had told you that one September night that he needed to focus on being a Jedi Master and helping to train Anakin instead of being with you but you just couldn't

You had initially believed him when he said he wanted to focus on work. But you knew that wasn't the case when you saw him a few weeks later, trailing after Satine like a lovesick puppy with his cheeks scarlet.

You remembered when he used to look at you like you were the most beautiful thing in all of existence.

The way his blue eyes lit up and sparkled every time you walked in a room.

Now you watched as he looked at Satine that way.

You tried so hard to hate her but you just couldn't.

Satine was so kind to you, always greeting you with a smile when you came to her planet, and treating you with respect. You had always admired the way she ruled Mandalore with such grace and poise.

And you knew that if she had known that you were previously with Obi-Wan then she would've stayed far away from you because that was the type of person she was. But Obi-Wan had made it clear that the two of you would be secret so you honored his wishes.

Your hands shook as you averted your eyes from the happy couple.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, you could still feel him, your body would tingle from the ghost of his fingers on your waist, his lips on yours.

"I've never loved somebody as much as I love you," Obi-Wan's voice snapped you out of your clouded mind as you felt your heart shatter at his words.


He had never told you that before.

He had never even bothered to tell you that he loved you.

That day he ended your relationship you had told him you loved him and you'd never forget the horrified expression on his face, his jaw slack as he mumbled "I'm sorry," and then left you alone, heartbroken, and full of tears.

And still, after all of that, you still loved and missed him.

You stood up abruptly, wiping a stray tear that had slipped down your cheek from the memory.

Your heart pounded in your chest as you started walking away at a fast pace.

You needed to get off Mandalore and bring more distance between yourself and Obi-Wan.

"Y/N?" the voice of Obi-Wan filled the throne room.

You shook off his voice and continued walking to the ship that you had gone on with Obi-Wan.

Your steps became quicker as you peeked your eyes and saw that both Obi-Wan and Satine were following you, concern evident in their eyes.

Hot angry tears streamed down your face as you approached your ship.

Commander Cody sat at the edge of the ship with his helmet off as he slightly dozed off.

"Let's go," your voice was angry as you awoke him with a jolt.

You didn't mean to be rude but your emotion was taking over your entire body.

"But General Kenobi-"

"I don't care, Commander, let's just go," your voice cracked.

The commander took one look at your puffy eyes and trembling lips and nodded before immediately rushing over to the cockpit and urging the ship to life.

Once the ship started moving in the air, Obi-Wan and Satine appeared on the launchpad looking up at you.

You stared down at him and slowly shook your head at him before sitting down.

It never would have happened if he was just a better man.

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