din djarin- the protector

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summary: you go out to the cantina for a drink and run into a dangerous situation

din djarin x fem! reader

warnings: men trying to take advantage

word count: 1727

written 4/19/22

Din Djarin rarely gave you the day off. It wasn't really his choice to give you days off despite him being your boss.

You worked as Grogu's babysitter and mechanic and you were always either watching the child or fixing the Razorcrest.

It was a late night and you sat in the cockpit of the ship with Grogu in your lap, stroking his wrinkly head.

Grogu cooed, his big brown eyes lighting up as a Beskar-clad Din entered the room.

"Hey," you smiled at the armored man.

"Hey," his voice was soft through the modulator making your skin prickle with goosebumps.

It was no secret to you that you had a fondness for Din considering that he was the only other person on the ship.

And it didn't help that he was so sweet towards you.

"You know-uh I've noticed how you've never seemed to catch a break and...you know if you want I could watch Grogu even now and you could go out and have some free time," Din's voice shook slightly.

You were always working hard for him and he wanted to treat you. You were there for him when no one else was and your presence was something that he had grown to love.

A smile stretched across your features.

"Really? That's really kind of you, Din," you grinned.

"It's nothing," his helmet turned downward towards the floor.

"Alright well I'll get changed and take a short trip to the cantina," you announced as you bounced Grogu once in your lap and then stood up and handed him over to Din.

In the process, your hand brushed over his and your heart jumped.

After hearing a shaky breath, you darted over to your room with your heart hammering in your chest.

Ignoring the feeling in your body, you went into your closet and scoured through it to find something nice to wear.

You had limited clothing due to the fact that you were always traveling and having access to nice clothes wasn't really an option.

Finally, your eyes found a beautiful sparkling dress that went just below your thighs.

It had been a while since you had gotten attention from people since Din barely acknowledged you. You hoped that this dress would be an invitation to that attention.

"Perfect," you mumbled as you slipped into the dress.


After you had finished doing your makeup, you exited your room, ready for a night of fun.

Right as you were about to exit the ship you felt something tugging on your leg.

You looked down to see Grogu staring at you with his adorable brown eyes.

"Hey buddy, I'm gonna be out for a bit so you behave for your dad okay?" you told him as you heard metal footsteps thud in the hallway.

"Y/N I'm-" Din's voice was interrupted as his helmet turned towards you.

Feeling his intense gaze on you, you suddenly felt subconscious about your outfit.

"Do you not like the outfit?" you questioned as you nervously fidgeted with your hands.

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