you're on your period

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everyone x afab!reader

*edited as of 7/21/22


When he comes home you are usually on your couch groaning. When you see him you're immediately like "Luke, sweetie can you get me some more pads and some food?" 

He nods then blushes. He always gets embarrassed when you're on your period. He never had a person in his life that really explained how periods work. So you told him and he was disgusted beyond measure.


He's usually the one that groans because he can't treat you in bed for a week. But he's usually not as much a jerk as he usually is. He lets you watch all the movies and shows you want and will bring you a huge tub of your favorite ice cream. You watch your favorite movies with him while he peppers your face with kisses.


Like Han, he is also disappointed that he can't have sex with you but the two of you have an awesome time watching movies. 

"Hey, babe can you please buy me some more chips?" you would ask with your puppy eyes. No matter what he'll always do it for you because he's the biggest sweetheart. 

"Sure pumpkin," he'd say then would plant a kiss on your forehead.


He wasn't really used to periods and was always embarrassed. He would get grossed out at first, but then when he realized you were in pain, he's sit down give you your medication and give you long hugs and cuddles. He would be sweet and spoil you with chocolates and his cute kisses. Whenever you needed anything he got it for you.


When you were on your period he leaves you alone until you need something. He would give you the day off if you needed it. When you need something he's always there for you. He a;ways kissed your head and said "Good luck for the next few days, snowflake,"


He would give you the day off no matter if you wanted it or not. He wanted you to take care of yourself while he got you food, pads, and medicine. He would cuddle with you and make sure that you were well fed and well taken care of. 

One time he even tried to use force to take away the pain you felt but it just completely backfired and so not only did he experience bad cramps, but he did as well.

You did appreciate the gesture though.

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