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It had been two years since you and Luke started dating. After a couple of months, you knew he was the one and you were anxious for when he'd ask you to marry him. You had anticipated it for months and you were getting a little impatient.

"Hey, Y/N, let's go on a trip," Luke said one evening while the two of you were snuggling on the couch watching a movie.

"Really?" your eyes lit up looking into his ocean blue eyes.

He nodded then rested his chin on your head since you were short.

"Where?" you asked trying to concentrate on the movie.

"Naboo," he said simply.

You immediately jumped up. "Naboo! Wow, it's going to be so beautiful there!" you squealed thinking of the beautiful, calming woods, sandy beaches, and crystal clear bodies of water.

"Not as beautiful as you," Luke kissed your head.


On the last day of the trip, Luke took you out on a picnic on the beach. You had eaten some dessert, feeding each other in a couple's way. After you ate, you sat holding each other while watching the sunset. The sunset was a bright pink and yellow. You leaned your head onto his shoulder while he held your shoulders. It was absolutely perfect.

"Y/N, I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I can't wait, you are the most perfect, beautiful, and kindest person I've ever met. You are so good with the children and it makes my heart melt. I love the way you eat cookies, you look like a chipmunk. A cute chipmunk. I love you so much, will you marry me" he was on one knee. He had a shimmering diamond ring in his fingers.

You were shocked and tears started streaming down your face. 

"Yes, Luke, yes!" you squealed then jumped into his arms and kissed him.

The sun set behind you. It was a truly beautiful sight.


Han had never been with a woman this long before and he didn't know why he had been with you for four years. Without cheating! He was surely surprised he'd made it this far. But how could he not? You were the girl of his dreams. You were perfect in every single way to him. Even Chewbacca wanted the two of you to be married. He always gushed about how the two of you would make some lovely children. His children. Han wanted to marry you. He saw you in the hallway talking to Luke Skywalker who was your male best friend.

"Hey, Y/N," Han said strutting over to you and snaking his hands around your waist then kissing your neck making Luke uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna...uh...yeah," Luke said while walking away quickly.

"You scared him off!" you giggled as he continued to kiss your neck.

"I know," he said.

"Babe, you sound serious, you're NEVER serious, what's up?" you asked him.

He stopped kissing your neck.

"Y/N, have you ever thought about the two of us I don't know getting married?" Han asked as he rocked you back and forth while still standing.

You looked at him. 

"Of course," you smiled at him.

"Well, Y/N, you are the girl of my dreams, I have never been with a woman this long or loved a woman this way, you are perfect in every single way possible. Will you marry me?" he was now on one knee holding your hand.

"YES!" you squealed as you kissed him passionately.

He pulled out a ring pop and took off the cover.

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