anakin- wildest dreams

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This was clearly inspired by Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams (obviously Taylor's version). Above is the song if you want to listen to it while reading. Anyways happy reading loves!

*edited as of 2/27/22*

anakin x fem!reader

Being a princess at the time when the Republic was rising was a very difficult thing to deal with.

Lately, you had been targeted by the Republic for reasons unknown to you and they had sent people to try and kill you. The day before you had almost been stabbed and that's when your parents had had enough and decided that you needed a bodyguard.

Originally you had been annoyed at the thought of having a person watching your every move but after the last assassination attempt, you were worried about your safety.

Today was the day that you were going to meet this bodyguard. Your parents had told you to dress up well so you wore a large navy blue colored gown and paired it with matching heels and light jewelry.

Expecting to see a burly, mean-looking, rude man you were met with a smirking man with a scar next to his left eye.

He was not what you were expecting.

He was extremely tall and handsome.

As your parents left you two alone you could feel your heart pounding hard in your chest.

You really weren't expecting this handsome devil.

"So princess I've heard that you are the most beautiful woman in this entire galaxy...I can see that the rumors are true," the man smiled as he ran a hand through his luxurious messy light brown hair.

You could feel your cheeks heat up at your bodyguard's flirting.

"Enough of that," you commanded as the man continued to smirk devilishly and put his hands up in mock defeat.

"Now, who are you, what's your name, and what's your profession if you're something else besides a bodyguard?" you asked placing your hands on your hips as the man let out a hearty laugh.

"Jeez, princess we just met," the man stared at you with his piercing blue eyes.

"Well, I want to see if my parents did their research right and that you aren't some psycho assassin," you crossed your arms.

"Well what if I'm lying, beautiful, what are you going to do then?" he asked placing his hands behind his back.

Your heart fluttered at the nickname.

He's so bad but he does it so well you thought.

You thought of him smashing his lips against yours and pinning you against a wall and then-

"You okay?" the man snapped you out of your thoughts as he held your arms gently. His eyebrows furrowed with concern as he stared at your blissed form.

"Oh yeah yeah, well if you're lying then I'm going to call my guards, and then they'll kill you," you returned to the conversation as he let out a hearty laugh.

Suddenly he backed you into a wall and put his hand over your throat slightly making you gasp as the man in front of you used his other hand to stroke your cheek.

"And what are they going to do when you can't speak huh?" he asked tauntingly.

His grip was loose so that you could speak.

"Then I guess I'd die," you grinned as he released his grip.

"My name's Anakin Skywalker and I'm a Jedi," he answered your question.

"Jedi huh? Wouldn't you get killed or something for flirting?" you teased as you both let out laughs.

"Something like that but I do it anyway because I can't resist myself around beautiful people," he traced your lips with his thumb looking at you simultaneously.

His words really had this hold over you.

He's so hot was all that you could think.

You pulled him to your lips and he immediately put his hands on your hips gripping them tightly as you kissed him deeply.

His lips tasted of freshly picked out strawberries that had bathed in the sun for hours. He was addicting.

He moaned as you roughly tugged on his perfect hair and nipped on his bottom lip.

After a moment you both stopped to breathe as you stared into each other's eyes.

A smirk was planted on his lips once again.

"If this is what my job is going to be then I'm gonna be more than happy doing it," he panted as you brought him back to your lips.

"I thought Jedis can't have anything to do with love?" you asked as you pulled away from him.

"I honestly could not give a fuck right now when you are right in front of me, sweetheart," he kissed you again as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

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