anakin (smut)- pacify her

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summary: you haven't seen anakin in a long time and you grow frustrated and fight with him only to see him the next day for a meeting with the jedi council

anakin x fem!reader

warnings: smut, angst

word count: 1339

written: 8/7/22


It had been ages since you'd last seen your boyfriend, Anakin Skywalker.

He was off playing the part of General.

The Republic had stolen him from you and they were using him as a pawn in their silly battles while you anxiously waited for the Clone Wars to be over.

Anakin was always good about calling you but it never was the same.

You just wanted to feel him. You just wanted to be close to him again.

You sat on a call with him, clearly deep in thought as his hologram form stared at you, concerned.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Anakin asked as your eyes glazed over his figure.

He was dressed in dark robes with his lightsaber attached to his belt. His arms were crossed over his broad chest as he looked at you, expectantly.

"Anakin when do you think you'll be back?" you questioned.

"Oh Y/N, I just got assigned another mission on Florrum," he offered you a sympathetic glance before you felt your blood boil.

"Anakin it's been months since I've seen you. The Republic is working you too hard, you need a break," your tone projected annoyance.

"Y/N, I have a duty to the Republic, I am one of their generals I can't just drop missions simply because I miss my girlfriend," your boyfriend's tone matched yours.

"Well if that's the case then maybe you shouldn't even have a girlfriend if you aren't spending time with her," you glared daggers at him.

Anakin's eyes flashed with anger.

"If that's how you want to be then fine," his voice was gruff before he hung up suddenly leaving you with an overwhelming sense of loneliness.

You laid back against your mattress and sighed.

This same mattress that you and Anakin had made love in. Had wrapped his arms around you and tenderly kissed you on the head.

It made you sick to the stomach.


It was only the next day when you found out that Anakin would be taking a visit to Coruscant.

A little droid had knocked on your door while you were still dressed in a long nightgown and had told you in a very frightened voice.

The droid had also alerted you that the entire Jedi Council was also coming around to pay you a visit to discuss new tactics in terms of the Republic to rule over your people since you were the queen of a planet.

You thanked the droid, patting it on the head fondly before you returned to your room.

Anakin Skywalker, your now ex-boyfriend was visiting.

I mean he was coming with the entire Jedi Council and some other Jedi but still, it had your hands shaking as you put on your blue gown.

You hadn't seen him in a long time and now you were seeing him after you broke up.

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